Man,that's a heavy dense snow...

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
we got about oh...8 inches.

shovelled out my path to the rabbits.

it's not the great of a path, possibly... 60 feet?
My back is sore... it's a very dense, heavy snow and my hands are simply frozen.

I think i'll let hubby snowblow the front drive...unless of course his meds make his hands complete icicles...but hold on... I have HOT POCKETS for him! :) YEAH!!!!!
I'm not sure what we got here, it is still blowing so we have drifts everywhere. A few small branches down and one of the shutters off the upstairs window hasn't decided whether to stay there or fall off, but it is definitely thinking very loud as it is banging against the old antenna tower.
This is such a lovely wonderful blanket of WHITENESS!
NOT! I am not a happy camper, it seems like
every time I get a great path cleared to the rabbitry and chickens,
here comes another storm! How LUCKY can one person get!?
I will be taking some pictures of the beauty of it all
later today. I will post them ASAP.
Stay tuned to this station for further details.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
It's still snowing and blowing here - very nasty to be out in! - but so far at least it is not the monster storm that they were hyping, thank goodness. Looks like we'll be getting about 15-20 cm. all told, which is about 6-8 inches... I've seen plenty worse than that. I'll tell you one thing... they didn't close the schools for this kind of thing fifty years ago when I was a kid.
I'm remembering why I was happy about my move to Texas. We got 16" and drifts up to 9' deep.

My 1 rabbit is inside but I had to shovel the 100 ft long alley athis morning so I couldget to work.
definitely, when Iget myOWN pice of dirt, if the animal housing ain't attached to the main house, there's a gonna be covered walkways, and they are not going to be moe than 50 feet from the back door. I really like what some people are doing with old bank barns-- coverting the upper part into a home for them, insulating and sealing between lower and upper parts real well, then leaving the banked part for the horses....
Fog and mist here. I sure don't miss the big snows! I lived on a mountain in Colorado for a few months and got 6' of snow in 24 hours. I was stuck there for 3 smokes, hardly any food, no cable, and a bf I had just broken up with. I cringe at snow now!
Don't have rabbits yet and I'm GLAD!!

This was our field yesterday around 3:00 pm:


The same place (it's a shelter for our dogs to get out of the sun) this morning:

<br /><br />__________ Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:16 pm __________<br /><br />And here is what I had to shovel through to get the back door cleared!!
