Mama-san nesting, updated with pics

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Dec 21, 2009
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South Central Wisconsin
Yes, in a few days she will AGAIN deliver some lovely squigly little black popples :mbounce:

maybe. Well, she is definitely pregnant, and she should deliver Tuesday or Wednesday. She made a HUGE nest again (for those who haven't seen any of my posts about Mama-san, she's a VERY dtermined NZ doe who lives with her sweetie, Peter. She's had a break from pregnancy for almost 6 months (peter was off living with Clone) and she's been SO happy this last month.

I'm hoping things go well. She's getting older...hmm..4 or so, I think. But she's in good health and great shape, so..fingers crossed! I'm just a little worried because the last litter were just fine, but she panicked on day 3 and ran around scattering babies all over the place. This time, she and Peter are in an end pen, separated from any irritations. (other than the floor bunny who wanders around trying to steal hay, but she's used to him)
floor bunny? I don't think I know about him?

what a trooper Mama-San is - so glad she's enjoying herself as usual :)
Oh. Haven't I mentioned him yet? :oops:
One of Caroline's juniors (3 month old American blues) got out of the pen. Won't stay IN, in fact. So...he's floor bunny. runs around, has a water bowl and a feeder all to himself. Causes no trouble, no mess. Just wanders around visiting everyone.

I've had to close windows, tho. Last week I came into the craft room and saw him sitting on the window sill looking out onto the porch roof. :eek: I moved into the room, he freaked and hopped out onto the roof. :x NOT GOOD, although I suppose it wasn't all that bad. He certainly wasn't going to jump down the 10feet to the ground. ... After a little bit of exploration he came back inside the room, and I closed the windows. :D
She's making me CRAZY@
OBVIOUSLY has babies inside her..she's laying down, hind legs out to the side, front legs out front..and her lumpy belly just spread all OVER the place! She just lays there...ears twitching backwards...quietly meditating.

Peter TOTALLY leaves her alone now. He gets out of her way when she waddles up to the waterer or feeder. She's still eating like a horse, btw. She's always stopped eating the day before she kindles, so we may be in for a wait yet. Since Peter is living with her, I can't be SURE when she settled. bunny people use that term? settled = got pregnant.

reminds me...I need to drop some more hay and straw on her. Peter has pretty well trampled the nest box. It's not dirty...just flattened into a Peter-sized depression.
Come on Mama-san! Hurry it up already!!! :lol: Fingers crossed all goes well!
She's SO aggravating! :D

I'm putting up a few pictures so you can see WHY I know she's pregnant :)
You need to know that before I put Peter in with her this time, I was worried about her because she was pretty thin. I could actually see her shoulders and the line of her haunches.

First off, Mama peeking out at me to see if I'm safely away

Next, Mama looking to see if there's more Mulberry. Notice the bulge on the left....

Here we have Mama hiding under Peter. If I'm hiding under Peter, you can't see me.

And finally, a rather unfocused shot, but it's the best I could do before she left for the nest tunnel. Yes..she's standing up. Her belly just drags along. Watching her hop is entertaining :lol:
Very pretty bunnies you've got! Also, that doe definitely has some babies in there. Can't wait for the update saying she had her bunnies!
WELL! On day 32 she had 3 kits. three fairly small kits. I am DEVASTATED! but she's still huge...(yah...wait for it...)

3 days later(this afternoon..100F outside, 89inside) she had 6 more. I interrupted her during kindling apparently. Oddly, she had them OUTSIDE the nestbox. :roll: They are really squiggly and healthy. (other than the 1 DOA and the one that got squished). I found 2 on the floor, and one stuck through the wire. Can't quite figure out HOW he got half in and half out through the baby wire....but he did. I cut him out and he's fine now. (well...he got wedged between the side of the pen and the bookshelf for awhile, but I managed to get him out). And another one just sort of lying in the corner.

I'm going to watch how it goes, and if she's having problems feeding them, I"ll take a few and put with Chocolate Bunny's 2 kits. Although, a few ours later Mama was in with her kits feeding them.

I'm considering breeding Clone (Mama's daughter) to my American Blue buck just for some variety :) Or maybe the beveren. Poor beveren doesn't get much action...
:lol: She's an interesting rabbit, that's for sure.

She could just live out her life with one of her daughters, except she very OBVIOUSLY loves being pregnant. She's also bonded with Peter. I suppose I could neuter Peter, and then every quarter, Mama could take a short vacation to go visit another buck for a day..and then come back to Peter to live. He's EXCELLENT with kits. ah, well. They're doing fine as they are.

reminds's noon. I need to go check up on the family.
One worrisome kindling could just be the luck of the draw. Sounds to me as though perhaps she had a second successful mating a few days after the first and that resulted in a second litter being born three days later. Usually she keeps Peter in line, but perhaps she had the urge... :roll:
Woo Hoo!! :pinkbunny: :clap: Congrats on the healthy kits! I love that first pic, it's so cute!

I think you should breed clone to a NZB, and sell her to us. :D I still say, we can meet you half way! :D
Well, I've taken the kits away from mamma-san and put them in with Chocolate Bunny's 2 kits. I'm not sure what's going on, but I found the kits in different sections of the nest tunnel...getting cold, and 1 squished, another dead as well. I think if she has another litter, I'll put a normal type nest box in for her. ... The other thought is that she might not have recognized the 2nd litter as her own? Is that possible? The first kits were just fine in the nest...then the others came along and she had them outside. when I put them in with the first 3, she was just confused?


Ah well. with rabbits it's always SOMETHING, isn't it? I figure CB won't care since she's used to having more than one litter in a nest. At least..I hope she doesn't care.