Making harli ND- buck critique needed

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Jul 17, 2010
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Well it seems the harli gene in an ND shaped rabbit may not exist yet in the united states. I found them in other countries but I'm not paying to ship them in (yet). What would be the best mix to get harli in to the ND without sacrificing size as most important and having the least impact on messing up type?
I was told someone in North east Iowa has harli hollands and takes them to a swap which would only be about 2hrs away. Person didn't give me a name though and I don't want to drive up to a swap multiple times that I have no other reason see.

It's not like the results have to be show quality. The color isn't recognized and isn't being worked on by anyone. They practically don't exist in north america. I think with some help of my chin line magpie ND would sell well and I can fiddle with the type for however long I am interested. <br /><br /> __________ Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:22 pm __________ <br /><br /> I've found 3 breeders who have already done the holland x ND cross and worked toward the netherland type further. Unfortunately 2 are on the far east coast and 1 is in Texas.
I'm waiting to hear from the breeders and I posted to the midwest rabbit group.
What about Mini Rex? They have pretty strong tris, (at least compared to Rex), so I'm sure you could find a Harli buck. Just culled one myself, recently, as a matter of fact.

You'd get some Rexed kits down the line, but could either cull them or sell them as pets.
I can probably get harli rex and I thought about it but the type is so different. I've made some MR x ND and they look almost all MR. With the hollands I mostly just need to fix the head.
I am in Texas and we are planning to come north to Ohio for Mini-Convention in May. I am offering a limited number of holes up for transports (One of the main reasons we are going is to hopefully pick up a trio in a new breed and at least one ND to add to our own herd, so I will have some empty carriers going.) Just thought I would mention it if you were able to get something from the breeder here in Texas. BTW, I am in West Texas and we will be going through Dallas/Fort Worth then headed to Ohio. I know there are several others coming from further south of us as well. Price depends on pick up arrangements and if I need to board before or after.
I emailed bunny hug acres. Waiting to hear from people before I switch my concentration to getting harli holland lops. Also what about polish? I had a ND slightly over weight limit that I was told I should just show as a polish. I know they aren't posed the same but many of the pics look like my netherlands when they are resting. But harli isn't a recognized polish variety either and may be just as hard to find.
There are already Tri and Harlequin NDs in the works, have been for several years. I've sent you a PM. Will have contact name for the one I know (not personally but have seen posts/work along) that is already established. These are some nice looking ones, some even nicer than some area show stock. I would highly suggest looking and getting on a list of one of the breeders already working on them vs trying to work them out, been working over 2 years on the ones that have been established already and just now getting back to "true" dwarf type.
I can't get in contact with any of the ND breeders but I can't drive far or spend much right now anyway. I'm tracking down harlequin hollands for now. Maybe in the future I can get better quality stock but for now my inexpensive pet project will use hollands. If I find any besides the ones 4 hrs away.... <br /><br /> __________ Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:02 pm __________ <br /><br /> This harli buck is for sale an hour away. They want more than I'd like though. $40 for an unrecognized color I am going to crossbreed. What do you think of him as a holland and as a contributor to a netherland line?

I like his head but you are going to have ND ear issues for many generations

I'm not a fan of his hips or arch but it might just be the way he is posed.

What is his supposed age as he already looks to be 3 or 4 pounds and if he is a kit he might be one of those 6 pound "Hollands" :mrgreen:
He's 3-4months old. She hasn't weighed him. Now we went from "he can go this weekend" to "I'll get you details if I decide to sell him". People make me want to break something.