Lost a kit this morning...

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Mar 6, 2012
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:cry: When I went to feed everyone this morning, I saw one of the 2 week old kits sitting outside the winebox just looking "off." I picked him up and he was a little bit cold so I put him in my shirt. He was very lethargic. Brought him in the house, but he didn't get any better and was gone within the hour. :(

He was the runt. Always a bit smaller and skinnier than everyone else. No poopy butt or anything. I'm thinking maybe dehydration?? Maybe he wasn't getting enough from mom and not drinking yet? I don't know.

I'm just hoping it's an isolated incident and is NOT something that going to run through the entire litter. We shall see!
Hope it was just because he was a runt, good luck with the others!
Oh, you can pinch the skin on rabbits and if the skin doesn't bounce back and just stands up or slowly settles back down, then you know they are dehydrated.
Wish we could just talk to them at those times, ask them what's wrong and what they need.. would make the world so much better.

Sorry you lost him..