looking at early spring weeds

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Oct 4, 2014
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central New York
Now that the temps are finally warming, I've stopped growing out wheat fodder because it starts growing mold. So I'm looking for green things outside. The things I"m most used to feeding are not yet visible or tiny. What I'm finding already with some size are bedstraws and motherwort and another plant I don't know (but our botanist friend will be here Saturday so will ask him--it's pretty nondescript so hard to identify) Also the herb garden is starting to grow, mostly the chives and last year's parsley and the thyme and oregano just barely starting.
I only use chives medicinally. The rabbits love parsley and I know it's safe but have seen confusing information about it a) increasing milk production and b) drying up milk. Since I have 2 does currently nursing kits I certainly don't want to interfere with milk production. I'm also thinking about the advice to serve a variety of plants each day when feeding forage and right now the choices are very limited.
Willow, poplar and the brambles are showing green as the buds open, but don't have full leaves yet.
Any suggestions? Any clarification about the parsley?
Thanks in advance.
Another couple weeks will make a lot of difference. In the meantime, the willow poplar twigs and brambles with buds will be welcomed by the buns.

I would not be afraid to feed parsley in moderation as well.

I don't know about motherwort or bedstraws, but if you google using keywords plus toxicity rabbits you may be able to find out.
Chickweed, henbit, and dead nettle are some of the really early stuff in our area. The chickweed is wonderful stuff! I know dead nettle is in the mint family and henbit maybe as well so may avoid those for nursing does.

Carolina geranium is another one that is early and ok to feed. There are many different types of Vetch that are safe to feed but not crown vetch.
alforddm":1rmwr9es said:
Chickweed, henbit, and dead nettle are some of the really early stuff in our area. The chickweed is wonderful stuff! I know dead nettle is in the mint family and henbit maybe as well so may avoid those for nursing does.

Carolina geranium is another one that is early and ok to feed. There are many different types of Vetch that are safe to feed but not crown vetch.

Yay! A good majority of the weeds I have been looking at you just listed - thank you! I now have even more things to confidently feed the rabbits now that I have some names to go with the plants I am looking at.
Our botanist friend says one of the plants I didn't know is chickweed :D Only one good clump against a wall right now but I remember it is one of the things I often have to pull out of the herb garden. Don't know how I missed it as a rabbit food for the past couple years. Now I'll be happier to see it. The last tray of wheat fodder had to be tossed because of mold so we're scrounging for green things to feed until all those good weeds get going.

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