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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
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near London, Ontario
My Jim is in hospital.
EXTREMELY high blood pressure (yes, on top of everything else).
had a micro stroke.

Doctors are fighting to bring his blood pressure down and having a great deal of trouble doing so.

So if I'm not around as much or seem distracted/not as well worded as I might like to be, that's why. :)
Oh no I'm so sorry Annette you must be really worried. Positive thoughts going your way :) in hopes of a fast and speedy recovery.
I'm so sorry. Hoping and praying he will be better soon.

There's not much I can do to help from this distance, but if you need to talk, let me know. I'm pretty good at listening. (((HUGS)))

thinking of you and sending any spare energy I can muster your way - hang in there and we are here to listen or help if we can
How stressful- Be sure to take care of YOU too.
Hope he's back home and brand new LicketySplit!
and update

Okay, went to visit Jim today.

I was there for about 3.5 hours. Would have stayed longer but had promised Justin I'd be home before supper.

Met his Doctor. Seems like a good competent fellow.

He talked a bit about diet and exercise. To avoid processed foods, to follow a diet of some sort , to eat homemade, and to exercise for 45 minutes every single day. Whether that is done all at once or throughout the day matters not, it's just a matter of doing it every day.

Jim had his CAT scan. Seems he's had two TIA's in the past that have gone unnoticed.
His most recent has been upgraded to a minor stroke.

He is going to have a MRI done at some point.

He had a blood pressure done before I left that had the second number at 89! woot woot! :)

He'll be sent home IF they can keep the numbers down consistently. It's remained a battle to keep the numbers down. they go down, they pop right up again. So they need to figure it out a bit more yet. Could be sent home as early as Thursday afternoon, but that's a maybe at this point. Depends on his blood pressure points.
Good advice on the diet. Sounds like your doc is going to be treating the WHOLE person...not just the symptom :) good. and the bottom number was 89? that's GREAT! Here's hoping they can keep it down this time.

You'll have to get him to start taking the boy and the bunnies for walks :D
You have my prayers.

My husband's BP starting inching it's way up and he needs a health card for his job. A year ago we got serious about watching diet and eating more of my home gown/home processed stuff. Cut way back on the sugar and preprocessed stuff (DH was never a big salt eater).

And it made a difference. He as brought his BP down to acceptable levels and takes no medication for it. He bought a BP cuff so he can check it at home and he has noticed that overloading on sugar will cause his BP to spike and stay up for several days.

I bought a book about BP diets - found our diet was too high in protein now we make sure to be eating more of the veggies I have down in the basement storage. No reason not to, I think I put up enough to feed 5 -6 people, not just us two.

Thanks for the update, Ladysown. I've been thinking about you and Jim a lot today and wondering how he was doing. Glad to hear the BP is down, even if it is not yet stable. It sometimes takes a while to stabilize.

You know, in a way this may be one of those blessings in disguise. If he makes those changes to his lifestyle now, he should be in good shape for the future.
just heard from hubby, He's not coming home today. it will be at least Friday, probably later before he's home. I guess they are having trouble yet with his blood pressure.
well he's exactly where he needs to be then - hoping he stabilizes enough to get home soon - you must both be missing him

hang in there<br /><br />__________ Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:06 pm __________<br /><br />well he's exactly where he needs to be then - hoping he stabilizes enough to get home soon - you must both be missing him

hang in there
HE"S HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tired, not quite himself.

BUT HE"S HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now we get to doctor's and specialists rounds for the next however long. :)

BUT HE"S HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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