Kit with inflamed anus aftermath???

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golden rabbitry

Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
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So basically I was checking my babies this morning and I found a kit with a giant bulge of poop trapped under a thin layer of skin. It was bigger than a pin head so I grabbed it and put it in warm water because I thought that it just had a piece of poop dried on its bum and it started pooping but then the FREAKING THING POPPED. This poor baby is so inflamed and probably hasn't pooped since birth(only a week old) what the hell do i do? did its bum explode or what? its all red, everything and huge to. it started to pee as well and it started to breed really hard but didn't seem to be in any pain so did a piece of skin block everything and get inflamed?
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!im gonna as some pictures later as well

-- Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:54 pm --

in these pictures you can see the skin


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happens sometimes when they don't get cleaned enough. i just squeeze the pus out best i can and rub iodine on their bum every day and it usually goes back to normal in a few days.
If the piece of skin is still hanging, I'd cut it off to make sure it doesnt cause more issues.
Just check it every day see how it progresses.
there is no puss and it has already gotten a little better, I do have to clean it every now and then cause the poop doesn't fall very well

-- Sat Jun 29, 2019 12:24 pm --

So I checked this morning at it was the same thing but slightly better, still terrible though. Poop on butt and some skin holding it on? Don't know how or why but the inflammation is almost worse. At this point I am considering a vet or even culling (which iv never done before and am terrified if so) I don't know at this point, it seemed so much better last night and now we are back to square one <br /><br /> -- Mon Jul 01, 2019 1:51 pm -- <br /><br /> well today he is doing much better, he is almost the same size down there and its not as red. Also I took the skin off and it bled a little so I places some antibiotic cream
It sounds like you're winning. :goodjob:

Somewhere I heard about using a bit of Preparation H on such problems, but I have no reference for the idea and I don't know if it would be toxic if the kit ingested it. If you were still at the "kill or cure" stage, I'd say try it -- but since there is improvement, I suggest continuing with what you're doing. Getting rid of that skin may well make a big difference.

So everything was good except one thing, he/she is 3 weeks old so after about a week of not checking on the situation below I decided to find the gender out and the genitals where bigger and more "open" with a small amount of milking fluid coming out when I pressed slightly. It could be because they started eating solids and their poop sometimes gets stuck and it might have irritated them but I just hope it isn't an infection. I will try and send pictures
DO NOT get attached to that kit. Do not hold him back for breeding. :)

But you are doing good. Just keep checking and cleaning. He should outgrow it just fine. Any loose skin cut off.
I always sell my non pedigreed babies, this one was an accidental pregnancy but this one turned out pretty. It seems like he can easily recove but I just wanted to make sure(not like when people think sniffles are nothing) I just wanna make sure hes fine
i don't even sell anything for pets that does something odd like this. the chances are too high that someone will breed it and add it to the gene pool of rabbits. could be mamma error or it be genetic fault. Since I don't know for sure (and you don't sound like YOU know for sure) bunnies like this get culled (dead) for my use or animal use. contributing to a poor genetic pool is not my idea of a good thing.
It's not genetic, all it is is irritation of some sort, the issue with the skin has never been seen before and this doe has had alot of babies. All I want to know is if this is common due to irritation caused by the poop stuck(which I wash away) or if it could be some sort of an infection

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