Kentucky State Fair Rabbit Show

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2012
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I don't know if any of you are within driving distance or available to attend the Kentucky State Fair rabbit show on Aug16th but it would be really great to drum up some more entries. Esspecially if you've got some Cals or NZs as I will have around 20 rabbits present myself of those breeds. I'm just trying to find a little new competition and get some numbers on the table.
When are entries due? and show dates? I'm not sure if I'll be able to, or if I'll even have anything to show at that time, but I'm only about 50 mins away from Louisville. I'll have to check with my parents.
The show will be on the 16th of Auguest with entries due July 18th. You will have to leave your rabbits at the show on Thursday in coops and will be able to pick them up on Sunday the 19th at 5 pm. Although they do have volunteers who feed and water the buns daily. Last year I think they used Purina feed.
The show will be on the 16th of Auguest with entries due July 18th. You will have to leave your rabbits at the show on Thursday in coops and will be able to pick them up on Sunday the 19th at 5 pm. Although they do have volunteers who feed and water the buns daily. Last year I think they used Purina feed.<br /><br />__________ Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:29 pm __________<br /><br />The show will be on the 16th of Auguest with entries due July 18th. You will have to leave your rabbits at the show on Thursday in coops and will be able to pick them up on Sunday the 19th at 5 pm. Although they do have volunteers who feed and water the buns daily. Last year I think they used Purina feed.
I'll look into it, if I go I will probobly stay with a friend that lives in KY so the wait shouldn't be a problem.
Hope to see you there!
Hope to meet you and your rabbits. Hope we can have a good show. It is already a descent sized show normally but I've been trying to invite as many outside exhibitors as possible to maybe get just a few more rabbits to show. I think I have a few Tennessee exhibitors that will be attending as well that ussually don't come up that way.
Where is the show? Also, do you ever show anywhere near Clarksville, TN? Maybe a better question would be, can you send me a link where I could look up shows?

Never been to one, know nothing about them and would like to fix my ignorance. Thanks,

[email protected]
You can find a list of every show at
I believe the KY state is in Louisville, that's where I remember it being anyway.
Yeah check out the ARBA site under member services and then to show search and just search by state. I know their will be a show sept 1st in Murfesboro that I plan to attend. We already have about 80 Cals planning to show from breeders like Vince Pickney and Al Roland. Hoping to be able to bust 100 by the time show day comes around. It should be competition in our area the likes that hasn't been seen in for awhile(atleast with Cals).

And yes sorry I didn't specify that the show was in Louisville,KY.

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