Just an update, I'm still alive.. :)

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2012
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I havn't been any good at reading or posting here lately.. Can't blame the holidays either :)
Busy with trying to catch up with school and fighting off fall-depression (yay for full spectra light bulbs!) and well.. not felt like I've had anything to contribute with anyhow.

My colony is going to be completely re-arranged. My swedish peltrabbit does, Kummin and Kyndel, will move to another breeder in a few weeks when their kits are weaned. Kummin has 6 kits, I hope to keep a doe or so from that litter. I do hope that spotted one with loads of amall dots covering the sides is a doe.. Anyway, Kymmin and Kyndel will be kept together since they're a very good pair and the breeder wants to keep them in the breed preservation plan. Since they don't quite fit my new goals and because they like nobody but each other (and whoever feeds them) I think it's a win/win/win situation for everyone. Except Koriander, I had liked to retire him with his does, I can tell he's missing them.. but I think he'll retire in a much colder place. He's sweet, but I don't have any use for him, and even ow, with the yonger grow-outs around him, he doesn't seem very happy. He got out one day from his cage and ran around the house, back to the does in the barn. Not any does, but Kummin and Kyndel (didn't bat an eye on the other does in the closer cages). It's really heart breaking to keep them separated.... and you all probably think I'm anthropomorphing on him now, maybe I am.. but..

Spiras kits are well off, but Spira will be leaving this life once they're weaned. Her temper got worse and her stomach isn't happy.. rolled oats keep it functioning. She's definetly a genetic charlie, all 8 kits were spotted despite a solid father, she has the markings of a charlie CG and her stomach is unstable. It's not fair nor fun to keep her. She gets to nurse the kits once a day but Sir Petalot and Sotöra are raising them. And they're acting friendly as anything, I have high hopes for these! :)

When Kummin and Kyndel are gone, I plan to open the colony and make it one single colony again, consisting of Sotöra, the doelings from these litters that I chose to keep and a swedish pelt doeling that I brought back from the grow-out pen the other day.

I wanted to keep Dill in there but she's not cooperating. With Kyndel and Kummin she was constantly chased away and spent her time in a box most of the time. Since Spira acted the same way with Sotöra, I had hopes that Dill and Sotöra could be friends. They were the first day, then Dill made sure Sotöra would not leave the box.. *sigh* Since Dill can't be a team-player, she'll get herself a solitary cage beneath Rams cage. It will be a bit smaller and alf of it will have the floor higher, so that I can reach beneth it and clean.


With the other three does gone, Dill and Sotöra is the only does left old enough to breed. The young grower doe will eventually replace Dill if things work out as I hope, and her cage can be an added piece of enrichment in the colony. (and yes, the grower has no name yet..)

The grower seem to get along well with Sotöra. She's not used to being handeled much as I've only fed them out there, but she's turning around slowly. And she's nice to the others and can hop around peacefully without causing disorder. That's good :)

Pictures of the kits, Sotöra (black one), Peta (the brown hare) and ''grower'', the grey.



And what I saw today: Kummin gently pushing her runaway baby back to the nest :p

Well... that's the news I suppose. :)

Just a bonus picture I made.
Hi Zab,

Good luck with battling seasonal depression! I hope the lights work for you. Did you figure out what makes them more expensive then the lights that they sell over here in the states?
Those little spotted guys are all terribly cute, and I'm glad to hear that they are getting along with their foster parents.
It surprisd me, really.. most everything is labeled... Oh well. It sems to work anyhow.
yay for full spectra light bulbs!
The lights will also give off Ifra Red and Ultra Violet, and not just visual light, which are required for melatonin production (needed for circadian cycles) and Vitamin D synthesis.

They are used extensively in the reptile industry to prevent Metabolic Bone Disease and stimulate or synchronize reproduction.
Yes, that's why I bought them, because of the IR and UV light :) But we compared the price of day-light / full spectra light bulbs.. and these are some 30 usd a piece which was more than across the pond..?
Wow $30 is pricey but reptiles are big business in North America and demand is high hence more brands are in the stores and competition lowers the price.

I bet if a doctor prescribed such a light for medical reasons they would charge $100 USD and get away with it since the patient wouldn't know the reptile one for $15 is the same thing !
They're hard to come by at all here, I had to order online and even so there was just a few stores to chose from.

I'll see if I can find any reptile lights, but I did search for UV-lights etc before, not only for human use...

__________ Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:46 pm __________

So, the cage I mentioned is now built :)

She likes it, it seems and seem quite content in sitting alone and protected. In the meanwhile Kummin and Kyndel also seem more relaxed. At it's wonderful to see how well Peta and Sotöra accepted Tistel (the greyish doe got a name ;) ). The kits are also lovely. I like it when they're all content and happy.



__________ Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:06 pm __________

And the picture I just made had a rabbit in it, so why not :lol:

(picture taken from the perspective I sat when drawing. No referenses)
<br /><br />__________ Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:53 am __________<br /><br />A video. (dh! :lol: )
My colony today. A bit messy and unorganized.. they all need more chewing stcks and it's time to clean it out ec. But I just cleaned the outdoor pens, soon as they're dried I'll re-organize my rabbits again, so I'm waiting a bit with cleaning and all.
