Jesus bunnies !

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Well-known member
May 29, 2012
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Last year my bunny barn burnt to the ground i lost every thing along with my years of selective breeding hard work and my desire to start over i just didn't have it in me. I was done with rabbits all together then my mother in law got my kids a German Angora so i relunctly brought this thing in my home i know nothing of angoras but that's not what this post is about... I was chasing my goats who insist on busting out every moment that is inconvenient for me any way i see 10 curly white baby bunnies! curly white bunnies witch means my buck i was so excited about my buck with the altrex gone is not only alive but he's breeding! And one of my does is alive and well! So important off to buy traps or figure out how to catch my Jesus bunnies!
THAT IS WONDERFUL NEWS!!! And talk about Tough Rabbits!!!!

And curly! WOOOOOO!!! I hope you can catch them all :)
Congratulations! And, yay, more Astrex on top of everything. :D Wish you and your rabbits well.
I had to read this post just to find out why you were calling them "Jesus Bunnies" (or even if you meant it as invective, like they'd eaten their hutch)- good call, and congratulations!

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