Is this normal for labor?

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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One of my does that I didn't even think was bred, I believe is actually in labor. She didn't look like she was carrying anything, but I noticed this morning she was laying pretty quiet on her side, when she's usually very active with her begging. Her belly has changed shape, and she's now much larger, like the kits have moved down farther.

I've been watching her on and off all day, and she's been doing the same thing, laying on her side. She's eating once in a while. I'm assuming she's in labor, but is it normal to take this long? None of my other does have, and I'm just a little worried about her. This is her third litter.

Thank you! :)
My does do that the day or two before labor. It seems like they just decide it is too much effort to move. In summer heat this is especially pronounced. I call it the beached whale syndrome--it is definitely how I felt for the last half of the 9th month! :lol:
SWEET!!! :D Thanks!

Ok, I have another question. Another doe kindled today also, she was huge, and I expected her to have a larger litter. She had 5. I actually didn't think today was the day, she was acting normal, ate all her pellets, and had no fur pulled. When I came out for my later afternoon check on the other doe, there was fur, kits, and one bloody nosed rabbit in this does cage. Fresh blood, so she just kindled. She heard the pellets tub, and was begging, and ate when we gave her some. She's still laying around alot, and panting, her belly is still pretty big. Is it possible she's not finished? She only had one breeding, so there was no later breeding other than the one.
possible...the panting sounds like labor, but they are usually pretty fast--how hot is it?

The size of the belly doesn't necessarily mean a lot of babies. I had a normal sized doe give me 13 tiny babies recently, and had a doe with an enormous belly give a litter of 8 giant babies.
It was low 80's today, not humid, and it wasn't to bad. Comfortable.
Well if she is still panting I would say she may have more...and she better hurry up! It seems like they usually take less than an hour for me. I hope nothing is wrong, but the eating part sounds really good...maybe she is just done.
Well, I guess we will find out in the morning then. :lol: She didn't seem unusually stressed, so I wasn't to worried there was anything wrong.<br /><br />__________ Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:28 am __________<br /><br />Well, 5 kits it is! But they are really nice size, strong, and what a noisy batch of kits they are! I tried to get a picture, but geez they wiggle alot! :lol: She sure has nice kits. Nothing yet from the other doe.
They are, Maggie, Scardy Cat is an awesome mom! :clap2: She was for her first litter also, and those were just as strong, active, and NOISY! :lol:
For the doe who you think is still in labor after having her kits. Does can sometimes have half the litter one day, and the other half the next day

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