In a state of confusion!!!!

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Newport, NC
Ok well I will go ahead and apolagize if I jump from one proble to the next but I am not having a very good go at it here lately......So here we go....Just a note....I am located on the coast of NC where the weather is fairly nice. I am raising Californians.

Ok been playing with this hobby we call rabbits now for a while and I have never had bad luck as I have here the last few months. I have 8 does and 2 bucks. I bred all my does wich are mostly first time mothers and have had no luck at all. I bred them back in the summer and must have expearinced the "summer fertility" due to it being so hot and the buck not being able to produce b/c most of them had no babies and the few that didnt feed the babies and all dies. So I waited until it cooled off and now with the temps around 40s at night and 60s-70s during the day I have tried to breed them all back again hoping for better luck but the few that did have babies the first time but just didnt feed I can not get to breed back......The others I did breed back and they just over the past few days had babies but I only have one litter out of 4 still alive.

The one mother build a huge nest with almost an entire fleek of hay and hair and the babies are burried inside staying nice and warm....

The other 3 mothers appeared to build a decent nest (nothing compared to the one) with a lil bit of hay and hair. They all had them on a 40 degree night and it was raining. Three litters totaling 38 babies NONE of them made it.

My set up I feel like is very nice besides the fact it is not actually inside a barn. All cages are covered on three sides and fairly proctected from the wind.

1) Besides the fact that these are first time mothers Why such a loss?

2) Too cold?

3) I thought that these rabbits are cold hearty animals?

4) In my climate....Should they be in a barn set-up?

5) What can I do to get the rabbits that had babies the first time and didnt feed them to become recepive again?

6) Any help, advice and critisim is welcome.....Like I said I am totally lost at this point.

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Did rain get into the cages and the nestboxes? By nests made of "a lil bit of hay and hair", how much do you mean? Can you posts pictures of the nests and/or your setup?
Trinityoaks: No rain got into the cages or even close to the boxes. They are really protected from rain unless we are having a hurricane or something. I will try and post some pictures tomarrow but there was only a maybe a lil more than a handfull of hair and hay.
Sounds as though the mamas didn't pull enough fur. For future reference, you can always take fur from another doe's nest that has a lot, or gently pull fur from the doe's dewlap (it is probably somewhat loose). You can also save unsoiled fur for another time, use cotton dryer lint, or feathers from an old feather pillow/comforter/quilt.

As for rebreeding, it's a good idea to check the doe's genitals before trying to breed. If they're dark pink to purple, she's ready. If they are lighter pink to almost white, she's not. Sometimes placing the doe's cage next to the buck's cage can get the doe "in the mood". I believe there are also a few weeds/herbs listed in the natural feeding section that encourage their receptiveness.
Yeah... I was just reading another post about he dryer lint.....Sure wish I would have thought of that . Thank you trinity/...I have 2 other does due on ythe 25th of this month so i will sure try it then.
I soooo understand you, as an experienced doe smothered her litter in the box, and the other second time mom, did not let any milk down and the kits starved to death. I have not been able to get my does to accept a buck since August, and I've tried all of the tricks. So I force bred them. They are due around Thanksgiving, and I only feel something from 4 of the 7 does, so we shall see.

Otherwise you seem to have a good set up. For my own piece of mind I pull my nest boxes, and I probably always will.
Apple Cider":sm5kopy1 said:
skysthelimit":sm5kopy1 said:
. . .I pull my nest boxes . . .
What does that mean? Thanks.

After the doe finishes I take the box, keep it in the house, and only bring it out twice a day for feedings. It goes outside permanently. when the kits are well furred, eyes open, and able to get out of the box.
Many first time does dont pull enough fur.its not too cold.does are very receptive right after they lose a litter,i rebreed the next day if i lose a young bucks 6 to 7 months as they will get does bred in hot weather.usually the second time around does will get the idea and pull enough fur.
From now until late spring, I pack as much straw into the nest box as I can. Had my son set up three does with boxes several days ago and he didn't get enough straw put it. All three does lost their litters.

Straw's cheap! They'll burrow into the tight-pack and usually do okay. Some first time does are "dumb"! LOL. I feel lucky if they save any youngsters their first litter.

Give them another shot at it. Pack the nesting materials in pretty tight.
