I'm such a klutz

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
I went to check on my mixed litter in the basement tonight and when I picked up my singleton black otter kit, it leaped out of my hands, flew four feet through the air and landed on its face on the cement floor :x
I scrambled to pick it up and its mouth was bleeding and after I picked it up it screamed at me for a bit. I checked it over the best I could and I'm hoping I haven't killed it with my clumsiness. :cry:
Oh no! I hate it when you get "leapers".

Sometimes they catch you by surprise and you can't do anything about it. Don't blame yourself for being "clumsy".

Best of luck to the little kit. I hope no permanent damage was done. :clover:
Oh goodness. I did the same thing once, but a bit different. I had a singleton kit in my bra, when I bent over to pick up something. I just heard a thud and a scream and there she was, next to my hand :cry: she turned out ok, it was like maybe 2ft, but goodness did I feel horrible!

Hopefully your kit turns out ok. This wasn't your fault, it was just an accident
I've had this happen a couple of times! You think you've got it and then this pent-up spring suddenly unleashes all its energy! :( I haven't had a kit get any more than a scratch from the experience, and usually nothing at all. :clover:
Yeah, we have had a few like that..You think you have a good grip, even holding on with both hands...and then out of nowhere they go flying.... :? It sure is scary, but little ones seem to bounce pretty good..I hope your little one is ok, sounds feisty ,telling you off like that. :lol:
My last mini lop litter was the litter of 7 preemies, and 1 survivor, and when he was about a week and a half, I was getting him out of the hutch, and I dropped something... Or bent down to get something.... Can't remember...... But I put him on the roof just for a few seconds while I did something that required 2 hands (maybe it was even closing the hutch door.... We built the hutches and we're kind of amateurs at building, so the doors can be a bit of a pain to close) and the kit fell off the roof! It's about 4 feet high, too! but he was ok.

He just turned a year old last week. Popcorn was THE best bunny EVER!!!! Since he was the only kit, he got all the attention, so he was just the sweetest little thing. When I sold him, we had a friend over, she was going to watch Les Miserable with us, and she loved him too because he was so mellow. they came over, and I almost cried when I sold him, and both me and my friend almost stopped them and said that we were going to keep him.

He is a black chinchilla mini lop. Just like his mama :cry: :cry: :cry: he had 3 older siblings another black chinchilla buck, a broken black ST steel doe (a friend of mine owns her, but I have her right now because I'm trying to get her bred. My Agouti Himalayan buck has a similar personality, which is snugly and mellow, basically like a real live teddy bear, like my baby girl Liv. Anyway, I'm trying to breed them so that Ollie has kits that will have that cuddly personality), and a black buck. I don't know where he's at because I lost the lady's phone number :(
I was showing a 3 week old kit to a lady the other day and it looked like I threw it 6 feet into the straw floor! Darn it. Kit was fine, thank goodness, but the lady was, well, horrified would be the word I am looking for, and I was embarrassed to no end ... we both learned a lesson that day ~~ kits can fly.
Not so much klutzy, but I almost killed my two favorite kits a couple of days ago. I took them all to tractor supply on Thursday, didn't sell any. I took them back home, put them all back in their cages and left for the night. Came back the next day and started to go through my daily routine, first check water, then refill hay, then feed pellets and do cleanup.

Except I realized that I had taken the water bottle for my favorite kits' cage with us to tractor supply and FORGOT TO PUT IT BACK IN!!! :x :x :x :oops:

The two poor kits had been without water for about 15 hrs.

I rushed and got them a bowl of water, they dove into it and both went to pee after drinking heavily. I also gave them a few pieces of cilantro to help their guts move along. They seemed a little hesitant at first, then ate it up.

They both seemed to be ok, but scared the crap out of me and I felt horrible. :oops:
Well, it looks like all he got out of his misadventure was a fat lip. :cheer2: :cheer1:

Every time I look at this guy he seems to have grown again, he's 14 days and he's massive. He's easily half again as large as the 15 day old harle & twice the size of the REW he shares the nestbox with. Of course, that's why he got away from me in the first place.
I checked his teeth when I first picked him up, and when I checked him yesterday. I've been a *touch* obsessive about it possibly. :mrgreen:
They are pretty durable to falls. Not just rabbits. We've had wiggly guinea pigs since I was a few years old and I've seen the hedgehog and chinchilla forums warning over and over again about falls. I don't worry too much if they were over grass or dirt. Concrete or wood has a risk of broken teeth and limbs but even then I haven't had one with a permanent injury or even that required vet care. Just stopped the bleeding on a few guinea pig lips because their front limbs are too short to reduce the force of their fall before their mouths hit. None of my rabbits have even done that much damage. For chinchillas I have quit listening to the breeders who insist on sterile, short cages for the females with young kits. The females go nuts in those small cages and the pairs tend to argue until they have to be separated. We switched to leaving the cages at first the 2' high with shelves and then we let a few litters grow in double level with shelves so a total of 4' but the center just having a single hole between top and bottom 2'. The kits not only didn't get hurt but put on weight twice as fast as the ones raised in blank little cages. Small animals are quite durable and athletic when they have need to be. They had to be able to withstand the terrain in the much more varied wild before they were put in our cages.
I checked his teeth again the other day and apparently his mouth doesn't hurt anymore since I was able to open it a bit more and found only three & a half teeth :(
However, since it's an injury I'm not terribly worried about the tooth coming back crooked or passing it on to future litters.

If he'd done this on dirt, I wouldn't've worried at all they bounce extremely well on dirt and grass. It was the cement floor that freaked me out.
I think it should come back alright, but it would be good to keep an eye on that tooth as it grows back in, just to make sure it's behaving itself. :)

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