I'm so Excited!

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May 13, 2011
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
I just have to share some of my enthusiasm with you! I am new to rabbits but I have bred countless other species of animals. I feed my dogs raw so I figured this would be a good, affordable way to supply some of their food and have fun playing with genetics. Anyways, I palpated a doe today and from the feel of it, I will be having my first litter! This breeding is a Tort Lop doe bred to a REW Rex buck. I can't wait to see what colors pop up and how they will mature. Has anyone here ever done a similar cross? I know it is not the best for meat but I don't mind, the bones are great for the dogs' teeth! :bunnyhop:
So exciting! I know how you feel - my first litters are due the first week of October. I'm jealous of the color surprises, though. Mine are californians so I know what I'll be getting. I'm trying to stay strong but can see a nice broken NZ in my future if I can ever find one nearby. :)
Welcome! I have a small herd of commercial rabbits just for producing our dog's food (he has health issues), it's definitely worth it.

Do you know what colors are in the buck's background? A REW could throw anything that is in his family and whatever color he is "underneath". Think of a REW rabbit like he's a regular color rabbit that's been bleached white - he isn't actually white per say, he just appears that way. In reality he could be anything, maybe even a broken!
Ahh that's awesome kotapony!

No Cattle Cait, his background is a complete mystery which is why I am so excited about it. I got him from a local pet shop for free a few days after our fair ended. A kid that bought him decided they no longer wanted him so he got dumped. He is tattooed actually... I'd love to figure out where he's from.

Thanks Anntann! I will be flooding you guys with pictures :D
Welcome, Bryana!

I have a REW doe that I breed to a broken chestnut half-lop buck. She's like an empty color palette, and expresses all of the color possibilities that the buck has to offer: red, various shades of chestnut, chinchilla, brokens of all three, dilutes of all three, white... I've even got one that looks like a broken black, and another that looks like a broken chocolate, though I'm not sure how either is possible with this combination. They're probably chestnuts of some sort, I guess, but I can't tell. I get lops, non-lops, and half-lops. It's fun! :razz:

My REW actually gives me more variety than my chinchilla (the buck's sister) or my black-eyed white, who would likely be red if not for a chinchilla gene. Never would have guessed that one without the help of Devon's Mom Lauren. :)
Ahhh, Miss M that is awesome! You are making me even more anxious, hehe. I would love if I got some reds or oranges out of them. The lop's left ear sort of airplanes out to the side sometimes so I'm thinking I will have more erect eared buns than lops... who knows though!<br /><br />__________ Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:53 am __________<br /><br />Okay, I'm trying to figure out how to find my buck's breeder from his tattoo. Should I just start contacting breeders in the area?
the thing that is nice about using lops for raw feed...is that sometimes you can sell the odd baby and then get some different types of protein for your critter that perhaps normally you couldn't afford. :)

Rabbit is pretty much rabbit when it comes to eating 'em. :) in time if you want more bang for your buck meat wise pick up some good meat mutts that have colour and you can get the odd sale that way too. :)
CONGRATS!!! I love your excitement!! :D I got into rabbits for a very similar reason, because I feed my kitties raw food. I mostly have NZW and CA, but we recently added some black NZ, so I have a little bit of color in my barn! :lol: Certainly none so exciting as yours!

Good luck with your first litter!
Thank you everyone!!

I am used to the dog show community so it is really nice to be able to do some genetic experiments and produce some cool mutts without being considered unethical. ;)
You probably could find out his breeder if you contact local Rex breeders. They may want to charge you a small fee if you want his pedigree though.<br /><br />__________ Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:11 pm __________<br /><br />Or ask the pet store who they bought him from. I suppose that would make more sense as the first step.