I just don't want to "be" right now

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Frosted Rabbits

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
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Saw my shrink this morning-- she asked if I needed her to pull out a pink slip. I just really don't want to be involved in ANYTHING at this moment--Jerko insisted I cannot carry a rabbit with me when I am going places-- he already has made it impossible for me to maintain my physical condition because of his restrictions that limit my use of Connor. I dunno-- the snow is falling AGAIN, and I really, really need some sunshine in my life. Tell ya what--a neighbor told me whe would take care of the animals if I wanted to see my daughter-[granddaughter]- but I may ask her about caring for them if I admit myself for a few days of 'Rest'- but then, I would be worrying about what is happening under that shelter---seems one of my new girls is an escape artist, and other likes to push her head through wire to get a better look at things.
Hang in there, Terry! (((HUGS)))

If you're feeling that low, either plan (visiting your daughter/granddaughter or checking in for a few days) might be a good idea. You can't take care of your animals if you don't take care of yourself.

How long until you can get out of that place? Didn't you and your daughter have plans to set up together? If that plan is still in place, concentrate your thoughts on that... it is worth working on.

You know what they say... When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on tight.

It's nearly spring... and everything will seem better then. :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
Ah Terry....wish we could make things better for you.

You know what...put a baby bunny in your pocket once in a while and carry it around. :) If it helps, it helps and the baby bunny will survive. :)

Go for a nice long walk, visit a friend, and take your day one moment at a time. :)
Thanks, everyone--
been a long two days-- I am really bummed out-- realized yesterday some of this lethargy is probably the way my body normally handles a cold-- I had some dental work done in December, resulting in FINALLY getting rid of an infection that had been my 'companion' since 1989. Needless to say, after a month of not falling asleep mid days, the tiredness feels overwhelming. My Daughter is still over in Germany-- and things are just getting worse in my current situation. I actually had to tell my case manager to NOT come for HER safety!!! I got a hold of one of the programs backed by Social Security, and hopefully, one of the service providers can actually help me get some of the farm plans underway-- and that includes a processing facility, as far as I am concerned. A couple of unexplained bunny deaths has me stumped as well--- and I think both are cases of fright-- especially since one left a hunk of fur on the opposite end of the cage ( loose buck has been seen sticking his nose into cages-- he actually tugs my pant legs and then runs away when I turn... little snot!)

hmm, perhaps a good stiff drink is in order-- Milkshakes, anyone?
Frosted Rabbits":3xl7ywvx said:
hmm, perhaps a good stiff drink is in order-- Milkshakes, anyone?

:rotfl: I so have to remember that one!

I haven't known what to say, Terry, since I'm pretty new, and I don't know anybody very well, and I don't know the background of the situation. (I do know that shrinks sometimes only make things worse, but that's another topic...) I did want to let you know that you'll be in my prayers, and to encourage you to hang in there, as everyone else has done. :)

I'm glad you posted today; I was worried. Take care!
:) Glad you're posting again today. That bunny sounds like he's quite a character! hang in there...I've had to work with social security people for my mom and then for myself (disability) and it's one of the most FRUSTRATING things I've ever done. Left hand hasn't a CLUE that there even IS a right hand...sigh. If you have a good case worker tho, they can work miracles..and I've found that the majority of them really DO care and can be trusted.
I'm not sure what I can say to help but I know what you're going through. I've fought it all my life and most days I"m ok but once in a while the bottom can really drop out and .... it's scary. Family and friends get me through and they don't even know it! What works for me is trying to eat right and stay active but if you're seeing a shrink they've probably already told you that. It's tough sledding right now because of winter and we're slow at work (tomorrow will be my first day working this week) but spring is right around the corner. Keep one foot in front of the other and you'll get there! Not sure if this helps but keep your chin up, we're here with you!

The bathroom bunnies thread really gave me a good laugh....
Truckinguy, thanks for your post. It helped me! I'm another one who battles depression and your advice about eating right and staying active is right on target. A good laugh helps too!

It felt like late March out there yesterday afternoon... mild with a damp wind. Spring is coming! A few sunny days will do wonders for us all.
MaggieJ":7ux0me1m said:
Truckinguy, thanks for your post. It helped me! I'm another one who battles depression and your advice about eating right and staying active is right on target. A good laugh helps too!

It felt like late March out there yesterday afternoon... mild with a damp wind. Spring is coming! A few sunny days will do wonders for us all.

TruckingGuy IS so right-- And sunny days-- thankfully, I have seen a little bit of blue sky each day-- it's just not around enough.
the SS department isn't the real problem-- the fact that I have AMBITIONS and GOALS really throws the regular psychiatric caregivers for a real loop!!! My Shrink is a wonderful person-- hates to see clients medicated into a stupor. I asked my case manager if I was the only one she had with ambition-- her reply "yes, and it's really strange..."
My family (except for moral support from my daughters) just don't get it-- but then, the whole family could be committed and fit right in! :twisted:
I finally found a neurologist that agreed to take me on, and indicates that I am having partial temporal lobe seizures-( based on medical history and EEGs dating back to when I was 12)-then I find out that that type of seizure can actually be a cause of Bi-Polar!

of course, The arthritis, torn and ruptured tendons, etc, are no help--
Someone once apologized to me for bumping into me at a store-- and I told them- no harm done--I didn't feel it for what already exists!

I look around, and see people that I would not want to be in their shoes-- And I guess that keeps me moving along- I have bunnies to pet, chickens to watch, and I still have my dreams, though the frustration of not being able to really work at pursuing them is the real killer... My friend/neighbor and I are planning on going to MT Hope next month-- maybe I will find an AmChin or two there. Certainly, it will give me a change of scenery. Meanwhile, I have instigated a plan to save cash where the state won't find it-- And also, certain family members can't bully me out of it. If I work things right, I'll be on my own dirt before fall, even if it means I have to live in a travel trailer or a portable shed...

I Know there are others out there that have to fight just as hard as I do-- It sure would be nice if we could get together and form a group that packs some punch- meanwehile,. i have friendly p[eople here, don't I?

Oh-- I try to stay away from some of the 'specialty' lists for Service Dog users, and I avoid groups at the mental health orgs, simply because they are so darn depressing!!! But-- I am making Bunnies available as 'prescribed pets' as determined by the Fair Housing Act of 1986- this allows people in public housing, who live alone, to have a small pet as a way of encouraging interest in life, and maybe even some outside socialization. My former landlord, Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority in Lake County, Ohio, did NOT like the fact that I knew the HUD regulations concerning Service Animals and prescribed pets-- yes, i have advocated for the rights of tenants, as well-- the head maintenance guy was really ticked off that I exposed his theft of cash money from the Authority-- gee, I only asked, out loud at a board meeting, how come we were putting money into empty change boxes if the laundry and vending machines hadn't turned in any funds in two months..... :? And they didn't like the fact that I KNEW forcing every tenant to sign a blank lease was illegal...

Gosh, I am as much a troublemaker as that black bunny... :mrgreen:

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