I have too many kits now! Sort of :P

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2012
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It's a tad crazy.

I have the two litters I actually expected and knew would e coming, they're about 2 months now and the bucks got moved to the grow-out pens yesterday :)



But then I also have three litters that's more or less unexpected. I mean.. seriously? I'm a control-freak, where did I slip!? :oops: :x :shock: :eek: And Peta is the sire to all of them! He has fooled me, seeming completely uninterested of any such behaviour!

Well I should be honest. Sotöras litter did not surprise me, she lived with him for several weeks and started to get a preggers look a while before kindeling. But I never felt anything when palpating so I was unsure that she might just be fat.. Anyway. She had a pretty litter :D

And Spira got a litter! Now that was completely unexpected! I can see when she got her date (nursing her kits in the same pen Peta lived) but I kept half an eye on them at all times and nevver noticed any interest in either of them...sneaky! :p I'm not unhappy though. I have hoped for that cross and planned to spare a buck from it, but it was sooner than I'd chose to breed back. And I was hesitating, her stomach stabilized again but.. well. I wasn't sure. Anyhow shes doing fine and she's so grumpy it's funny. She charges, she has even bit me a couple of times but never hard. I feel sorry for her, she obiously doesn't want to be mean, but she's overprotective of her kits and very insecure. She got 4 pretty manteled kits which I placed in Sotöras nest (exchanged some kits between the two, they gave birth with just a day between) to give them a chance of being nice. The other kits are wonderful! I'll name the buck I decide to keep Bortbyting - changeling (from the old tales where forest trolls/critters change a newborn human baby with their own).

Then now a couple of days ago I found a litter in Dills nest! What the...? She dated Kori a week ago but these were Petas. Well.
I'm happy that my rabbits always have bedding materials and nest-boxes. Or else I'd have 3 dead litters. Or at least 2. But as it is they're all doing fine! :) And they're pretty!

I know that Peta is the father since he's my only agouti rabbit ;) And all kits are agouti. BUT! I found out that both Spira and Sotöra carries steele! Hidden behind their solid black (or Spiras scheckered black). Because of this I've learnt a lot about steele :p Before I only knew it was some colour thing. I thought it was like chin or something but not quite... soon I'll become the bunny colour expert! Mohahaha! Learning both english and german genecodes and...uh. Well. As long as it's oly black ad agouti and possibly steel involved.. :oops:



Ah, the joys of having a colony ;)

I don't miss them :mrgreen:

I'm glad they all had nice warm nests to be born in, it could have been quite the disaster.

And steel as well, nice surprise ! I personally love steel BUT you must be careful about breeding two steel agouti togeather as some of the kits will look self black but are actually agouti with two steel genes.

Isn't Peta a Belgian hare? I am very curious how THAT cross grows out :)
Some surprises are definetly good! :p

Can't really blame this on colony setting concidering I don't usually keep my bucks in the colony....well, make one exception to that and all does are bred, even the ones not living in that colony! :lol:

Two of the does are first timers too. But they're doing everything right :)

Yes, Peta is a belgian hare :) One litter will be belgian hare x swedish pelt - I figure they'll be like lanky pelts..:lol: one is hare + checkered giant. I hope for elegant, large rabbits with a finer bone structure than the CG has, as inmore meat for the weight. And one is checkered giant/swedish pelt + hare. Not sure what to expect there, but I think that will be the litter with most size differenses. Of course I hope for an elegant rabbit with fine bone structure, good weight and some nice hindleg-muscles. But we will see :)
I love this set up! I seriously want to have something like this for retired favorites. A girl can dream :in_love:

Who says you have too many? :lol: Baby buns bring a lot of joy!
hehe, nah, you're right. Can't be too many :p Dad's started to look worried when I hit 23 rabbits though. Now at 40 he seems even more concerned.. :lol:

Build something like that! :D And hy wait untill they retire? ;)
Zab I just love your set up and I love those black and white buns. Some how I've missed those. What breed are they?
And I third that!
Thank you! :) The spotted ones are crosses between swedish pelt rabbit and checkered giant :)
Those brokens are adorable!

It's going to be interesting to see how consistent their type is with the hare mixed in! :popcorn: