I did it! All by myself!!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Big Island of Hawaii
I built 5 nextboxes today! From one sheet of plywood!!!!!

I'm so excited. Nestboxes cost about $16-$18 here each and the plywood was $25! Nails laying around.

One is already in use. :)

<br /><br /> __________ Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:02 pm __________ <br /><br /> ps, I'm not a builder. It took me over an hour to figure out I need to pre drill holes....
Wow! Good for you!

Now you can breed a whole bunch of does at once! :lilbunny: :lilbunny: :lilbunny: :lilbunny: :lilbunny: :lilbunny:
dayna":356xu4dm said:
Just taking more drugs so I'm getting more done. lol

I really know how that goes. Several years ago, I said to DH one day, "I'm probably the only person you'll ever meet who takes [XYZ] just to get housework and yard work done and then take care of the animals." Once XYZ would wear off for the day, I'd do "my" stuff: quilt, cook, etc.

Of course, this was on days when I had no paying work! <br /><br /> __________ Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:39 pm __________ <br /><br />
dayna":356xu4dm said:
It hurts if I rest and it hurts if I work. So I figure I'll just get stuff done. :)

Exactly. And it improves your state of mind much more than taking the same meds and then sitting.... Be prepared, though, to pay for it a few days down the road. There will be a day when getting dressed seems like climbing Denali. Be ready. (Food in the freezer; written instructions for others to follow when feeding/watering animals.)
They look great! My son is going to build me some once the weather warms up as part of a 4-H project, then he is planning on building a few extra to try and sell to make himself some extra spending money.
Congrats! Its always more fulfilling being able toake things yourself. Plus its normally cheaper.
Very good, Dayna.
You hit the nail on the head about the drugs. LOL.
If it weren't for those precious little gems, I wouldn't get "spit" done around here.

Thanks everyone! I was able to get ALL the farm chores done myself yesterday except lugging water to the back for the sheep. So I had my daughter do that when she got home from school. If she had college classes last night, I would have done it, but I was able to save my hip that little bit of extra carrying 5 gallon buckets full of water. :)

And yes, I have a VERY long hose, but my property is 1300 feet long... And smart me put the sheep in the back. hahahahahaha! <br /><br /> __________ Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:31 am __________ <br /><br /> Oh and because I enjoy poking fun at myself... Here is my first attempt before I realized I needed to drill holes and use smaller nails. hahahahaha

Nest boxes scream pneumatic stapler and 1" staples and a little white glue. I don't know if I would have the patience to use nails these days.

Ya done good Dayna. I like the baby scraper lip.
Well my goodness! That nestbox in that last pic looks like one I built! How'd it get in Hawaii??? :shock: ;)

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