How much to sell?

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2013
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I live in michigan, how much can u sell a meat rabbit for? the rabbit is going to be live, and i dont want to sell per pound i just want to sell per rabbits. i need to make sure i am making a little profit off them and not loosing money on them, for example someone wants to buy 12 rabbits a month from me, and they want to by them when there between 4-6 months old, which means i will have to be feeding all of them hay and pellets and such till there old enough for this person that wants to buy, is 10 dollers a rabbit to high of a price? how much should they go for so im not loosing money on them.
Hello Kelly,

Many factors go into pricing, but mainly due to your costs in raising the rabbits.
Find out your feed costs and then check local pricing of live meat rabbits.

4-6 months sounds like no profit is to be made, and not sure on that size unless for pet/show or breeding stock.

For a 8-10 week old, live price would/should be over $10, as for 4-6 month depends on breed/purebred but could be $20-$100
Local supply/demand will control most of the market

If you already have that potential buyer for that demand, then feed costs should be much higher than $10
unless you are feeding mostly homegrown feed.

Hope this helps
thank you rob, that does help, i though i was giving him a good deal at 10 dollers and he wants me to lower it,and then i was thinking about all the food im giving these rabbits because of how long i would have to keep them for him, and such, and its like i felt 10 dollers was to cheap, they are going as meat rabbits. and so they are big which means they eat more, and i buy my feed pellets/hay from walmart. and give them veggies that we have a some fruit sometiems. so its not cheap! i live in michigan and farms are sooooo far away to buy hail bails. if you know a way i can lower my feed cost that would be wonderful information too.
Look for a farm supply, I have local Tractor Supply that I buy pellets from store brand for $15/50lbs
It is low protein 15% but also use timothy/orchard grass. Also I add in BOSS and rolled oats (little bit)
FOr my does, I just started using 18% protein since I am pushing them a lil hard with litters.

Read on the forum here to gain some knowledge on the business end, and mainly on the feed end.
There is endless amounts of info, that i have read multiple times.

Look for feed costs (search bar at top) and find the threads where some break it down to science.
The last I read for someone was cost was $1.81 lb dressed rabbit for pellets (no grass//hay cost added)
That should be around $10 total cost or less for a 8-12 week old.

If you feed until 4-6 month, that would have to get much higher,
only guessing but at least another $10 or more depending on feed costs again.
excellent! thanks so much and i am going to read through others posts like u suggested i love gaining as much knowlege as possible, you have been a great help. this website is so suppotive and full of wonderful peopple.
I would ask why they want them that old.maybe they think they arent fully grown before that or they arent using them for meat.i dont see how you could make a profit if you must keep them that long.
First go onto Craigs List and see what price meat rabbits are going for in your neck of hte woods. Here they go for $15 to $25 each but if I go 8 hours north they are going for $20 to $50 so that's a big jump for just 300 miles distance.

Then find out what he wants the rabbits for. That way you can perhaps steer him to 8 to 12 week old rabbits and increase your profit margins.

If he wants almost breeding age rabbits he might just be trying to get your stock cheap, driving to where they are more valuable and selling them on at a profit.

And as a person who does just that from time to time, I can tell you there are quite a few who do. Right now I have a freezer full of someones wonderfully fattened pet turkeys (got them at $25 each and yes, they did know we were going to eat them) that I could have sold on at $60 each and am trading six weaned bunnies for two pot bellied piglets that will be sold on at the farm swap next week at MUCH more than I can sell six bunnies for. So be sure you are NOT the person shoveling in the feed and time and then NOT making the profit!!!!!

Oh, and if you are agreeing to supply X number of rabbits per month at X amount per rabbit, GET IT IN WRITING!!!! Go down to your local lawyer and spend the money to get a contract written up properly. That way you dont scale up your production to fit this one persons demand only to find him gone from one moment to the next, leaving you with heaps of unsaleable rabbits.

Good luck!
I'm not in the rabbit "business", but something about this request seems untrustworthy.
Not only would you be feeding them for 2+ extra months, but you have to house them too. That's a lot of cage space in my mind. Plus the extra time to care for extra rabbits long term.
Personally, I'd avoid doing business w/this person unless you can get them to buy at younger ages.
At those prices, you won't make a profit so what would the point be???
Amy":3pn11oim said:
I'm not in the rabbit "business", but something about this request seems untrustworthy.
Not only would you be feeding them for 2+ extra months, but you have to house them too. That's a lot of cage space in my mind. Plus the extra time to care for extra rabbits long term.
Personally, I'd avoid doing business w/this person unless you can get them to buy at younger ages.
At those prices, you won't make a profit so what would the point be???

Yeh, tell them if they want free rabbits to just raise them themselves! :lol:
lol! thanks you guys your right im going to avoiid this person he wants to eat them himself and take them to a bucther. but yeah i dont want to get my buesniess that big. i mostly just want a little busniness i am moslty just doing this for my enjoyment of raising baby bunnies and i only want to have one set of babys at a time, and i know they are meat rabbits but there selling like hot cakes on craiglist as pets. i also wanted to try and have some of the meat for my house hold personally. so i didnt want to make a big busniness out of this just more of a little hobbey. and i dont feel like having all those rabbits for that amound of months, the workd the feed, and i have a 20 month old child and a 11 week old baby, and of course husbands count as two children :p lol! just kidding. but thanks so much for all of your responses i am not going to raise that many rabbits. i decdied to make this more of a hobbey then a busniness, so like i said im only going to have one littler at a time. and just sell them here or there and if they dont sell by 10-12 weeks they will be yummmy meat for my house hold. and my mom is willing to buy some rabbit from me to :-D
GBov":3cfakp8g said:
Oh, and if you are agreeing to supply X number of rabbits per month at X amount per rabbit, GET IT IN WRITING!!!! Go down to your local lawyer and spend the money to get a contract written up properly. That way you dont scale up your production to fit this one persons demand only to find him gone from one moment to the next, leaving you with heaps of unsaleable rabbits.

Good luck!

Exactly what I was going to say! Something doesn't sound right about this deal. I think GBov is on to something with the "get it cheap and sale it high"...kinda like flipping livestock style. Be sure this works out to your best interests, not his!
Sounds good.

What you do is do the rabbits (just like do the dew, hehe)

THEN, get into the live sales slowly, if you have a freezer full or if needing to recoup some costs, etc.

Remember opportunities will always coming knocking and normally when you are ready.
Do not jump in the deep end if you cannot swim.

I started out large, and while I handled it well (with no experience) I would not recommend it to anyone.
I will fully agree with the saying one buck and two does is enough.
You can always grow, but too much at one time can make you turn away from it all.
very good advice, i never know where this will lead me, i just wanted to get as much information as possible, so i know what my feature holds. the people that are buying them as pets this litter i am only making them pay 10 dollers each, but i think im going to raise the price to 15 dollers each next littler. what do u all think about that? i want them to be able to sell, but if worse comes to worse and they dont i can have the meat for my hosue hold.
Kelly, I raise meat mutts, but I do make a good amount on selling them off as pets, too. I sell the 8week old, fully socialized, hand raised kits for $20 each. One lady commented at how friendly and calm my babies were compared to the ones being sold at the local farm supply store ... they were following her around the pen as she walked around the outside. And piling over each other to get ahead of her so they could stand up and see if she had a treat for them :p I would suggest that you go and see some of the 8-10 week old kits that are being sold as pets and see if they are socialized and then adjust your pet price from there.

As for meat prices, my meat mutts are 16 weeks old by the time they make 5# live weight, so I have a bit more cost involved than I will when my Silver Foxes reach 5#. As it is, I charge $15 for a 2.5-3# processed carcass.

Good luck, I look forward to seeing how it goes for you! :D
Thank you ann! so far i dont think im going to get any meat rabbits out of this bacth lol they are selling like hot cakes as pets which im happy about! mine have been handled everyday scince they were born. i have very uniqe rabbits also. :-D thanks so much for the advice i am def. going to raise my price on teh next bacth. thank you so much!