Hours of light

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2010
Reaction score
South Dakota
Any recommendations on how many hours of light rabbits should have in the fall and winter time to help keep breeding and everything in sync or is that not necessary?
I've always been told that rabbits do not need supplemental lighting of any sort to continue to function normally. In fact, I've heard of many people that keep their rabbits indoors with little or no light at all for the majority of the time, aside from when people are working and need to see what they're doing!

Rabbits, it turns out, are not chickens. Go figure, eh?
I've heard it go both ways, some who say light on at night helpful, others who say it doesn't matter.

For the most part I think... learn what your rabbits are like and work from that.
I have heard the same tales for many years.
I do on occasion leave the lights or a light on in my Rabbitry.
I do not measure the amount of time they are on.
In fact it is written that the rabbits require,
the amout of light that mimics the light they would get
on the longest summer day. What if that summer day was overcast?
Anyway, I do not find it necessary to leave the lights on
for sixteen or more hours per day.
My lights are on when I'm working or piddling around in the Barn.
I have found that my herd Does produce and raise their children
throughout the year regardless of how many hours of light they receive.
Hey, whatever works for you! I don't own stock in the electric company.
Dennis, C.V.R.

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