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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
south central idaho
just popping in to say hi my internet is still off but i did have the baby on sept 14th a little girl

she was 9 lbs 2.2 oz and 21 1/2 in long
Pastel, when does that kind of baby reach eating size? She is so cute, I could just eat her up!!! And 9 pounds at birth-- sleeping through the night will come REAL soon!!!

Gosh, I need to get to Va Bch and squeeze my grandkid....
Congratulations! What a pretty girl! I miss having babies- my youngest of 3 is 9 now. We almost had another surprise 2 years ago, but I lost it. :(
Did you know that breastmilk is a great cure for colds and eye infections? You can dribble it into the eyes or nostrils as necessary! I wish I still had milk!!! :) A neighbor's horse had an eye infection recently, and she has lactating goats, so she used that and it cleared it up in a couple of days!
Motherhood is magical in so many ways.
Blessings on you and your family!