HELP: only 4(out of 8) kits have round bellies ADDED PIC!

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Well-known member
May 25, 2012
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Went out yesterday morning around 6am to 8 kits. This is moms 3rd litter but first with me. I checked the kits bellies and 4 look to have been fed but the other 4 are looking very skinny. The 4 very skinny ones are really active, popping all over the place. The 4 with round bellies are less active. What can I do to help the skinny ones? The momma is quite fiesty when picked up so I'd like to avoid doing much with her. Could I split up the kits? Being in the 4 round bellies for the night and swap them tomorrow? Or would I be risking the skinnies getting too cold over night? Or since the skinnies are still popping all over should I wait and see if they will be able to get milk during the next feeding? I'm worried they are going to grow really weak with all the popping and empty bellies.
Thanks in advance! I've had a lot of questions the past week and am very grateful to have found such a wonderful group to offer me support and advice!
I'd try splitting the litter at least temporarily, the ones with full bellies won't suffer from missing one meal and the skinnies will definitely benefit
I agree. If you are worried about the cold, bring them all in at bedtime and return the skinnies to mom in the morning. She should be eager to feed them by then. Once they've had a good feeding you could put the round bellies in with them. That way everyone should get a good feeding at least once a day.

The skinnies are popping all over because they are hungry. Full kits are generally content to sleep and grow. Good luck with them. :clover:
Ok I'll bring them all in for the night then take the skinnies out in the morning. Are the skinnies likely to survive another night without eating?
If they are young I would consider fostering them if they are under 10 days. If they are older maybe the ones with big bellies have a gas issue give them 1 small drop of baby gas reliver equate brand is what i use.
They were born 12/7. Unfortunately I have no one to foster them to right now. They all came in last night and I just took the skinnies out. I'll take the round bellies out after the skinnies have been fed.

Momma has been ok with me checking the kits until now! She must have been pretty mad that I took them all last night. She growled and tried to bite.
sounds like she dosnt have enough milk right now. But she will. Do what others have said. Skinny ones first. You should only have to do this for 2 days . Then leave them all for one feeding and see if they are all feed. They might not have the really large bellys but you can tell the differene.
You Momma is very protective, which is a good sign. My Luna would growl when I went in, but I made sure she always could see the nest box. And as soon as I put it back in, she would go and check every one of her kits. Luna did calm down after while. Can you use gloves when you put the nest box back?

They all have nice round bellies now. This morning was the first I took all out to nurse and it does look like all were fed! Thanks for the help everyone!
Hopefully I attached the picture correctly. I had such a hard time getting a picture. They are so wiggly and I am amazed at how fast the little guys can crawl! This was taken on Monday. Haven't had a chance to get anymore. Does the one on the right sandwiched between 2 pinks look like it will be red? I really really was hoping for a red and that's why I bred these 2. I just hope if it's red that it is a doe!


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Lovely babies! Yes, was surprised myself how active and fast babies who can't see or hear can be.

Hoping that little one is definitely a red doe. Fingers crossed for you!

The little red one sure looks red to me! :D

How is the scrawny pink one on the left doing?
Yay although I did a check today after looking on the thread about sexing newborns and it looks like the red is a buck. Oh well, at least I know for sure these 2 can throw a red :)

The runt is doing ok. It actually was looking really good today. Nice full belly and still as active as the others.