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May 24, 2015
Reaction score
East TN
Went out this morning to feed and noticed something pink on the ground, what I found was 5 kits. Apparently my rex was pregnant and had her kits this morning. She is in a cage that has larger holes on the sides and the kits fell out of the cage. I quickly got the nesting box and hay and placed all the kits in it. I moved the mother to a larger cage with the box. My question is I have always heard that you shouldn't touch the kits because the mother may reject them, is this true? I don't think they were on the ground long because they were still very warm. The mother jumped into the nest box as soon as we placed it in the cage and appeared to start fixing it. How long should I wait to check if the kits are ok? Unfortunately this rabbit has always been aggressive and do not like anyone entering her cage even to feed her, so there will be a problem checking on the kits with her present. Will it stress her to much if we remove her from the cage to check the kits? Any info will be greatly appreciated I am new to the rabbit breeding world.
If they're warm andd wiggly, there's hope. Good catch. Mom fussing with them already is a good sign, too. It's fine to remove her to check on the kits. Touching kits is totally fine.

Give her lots of hay to arrange things as she needs

And, congrats!
That myth about a mother rabbit rejecting her babies because you touch them is just that: a myth. After all, human scents are everywhere in your rabbit's world: the cage, the nest box, the feed and water dishes. It's just part of their normal world.

You can remove the doe to check the kits or you can remove the nest box, walk away so she can't see you, and check the kits at your leisure. It depends on which is easier for you in view of her aggression.

Congratulations on the birth of the kits and on your rescue of them. And good luck! :good-luck:
Thanks for the info. That makes me feel better. I was able to peek into the nest box and they seem ok, they were all huddled together and seemed comfortable. I will check them again a little later.
Good save!

A trick you might be able to use to check on the kits is to distract the doe with a favorite treat.
This is also a great time to get the doe to bond with you..she has the prolactin flowing in her veins... when you check the kits..give her a treat like parsley. .and stroke her head..she is bonding with the kits now and should associate the feelings with you as well. Also the parsley will help increase milk production. Great save on the kits too!