Help me Sex these Babies

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Active member
Feb 2, 2016
Reaction score
Western MA
Hi Guys,
My first ever litter of babies is now just over 6 weeks old. I have been trying so hard to sex these little things and found it to be much more difficult than the internet made it seem. Whenever I see pics on the internet it seems so black and white and there is such clear differences. I have one boy that I KNOW is a boy. Out pops a perfect little circular tube and there is no question he is a he. But then there are a couple that every time I think I get it right, I look a couple days later and I swear they changed genders. LOL

Here is the two that I am having trouble with today. The first two pics are of one that I thought was a girl for so long but now I think may be a boy. It pops out a little more than the girls and is definitely more round. BUT the slit goes through the side kind of which makes me think it may be a girl. It is just not a definite penis shape like the other boy I have but it is WAYY rounder than any of the girls.



This other baby doesn't seem to pop out at all when I push down. This baby has been very difficult. I also clearly had a hard time taking the picture. Sorry for this one!


Please help me!

Ok Thanks guys!! So I guess it may be as easy as it seems and I am just WAY overthinking it. I am just shocked that they are all does besides one!
I vote doe for the second one... I am leaning toward buck for the first since the slit doesn't connect all the way down like the other... maybe a split penis? That one is tough to say based on pics alone.

They have the term "sex change fairy" for a reason - even the most experienced of breeders can make a mistake, especially while young! There are some that seem pretty obvious, others? Not to much...
heritage":286jsse6 said:
I vote doe for the second one... I am leaning toward buck for the first since the slit doesn't connect all the way down like the other... maybe a split penis? That one is tough to say based on pics alone.

They have the term "sex change fairy" for a reason - even the most experienced of breeders can make a mistake, especially while young! There are some that seem pretty obvious, others? Not to much...

Gah, split penis? That's a whole new ball game! Of course this has to be the ONE baby that is going to a home. LOL. Hopefully it will become more clear by the time he/she/it is ready to go to their new home!
OK I thought it was a boy too. Just cause of how round it is. If it is a boy, would this be considered a "split penis?" I am not too familiar with the term, but seeing what a "normal" penis looks like on my other boy, this definitely does not look like that. Is it just one of those things where they come in all shapes and sizes and some look way different than others?

Would it help if I got a picture from a different angle? Maybe a side angle or something? Hopefully it will become more clear within the next week or so. The new possible owner is coming to see him/her Friday. Would just love to know for sure what gender this bun is before this woman comes to look at it so I don't look like an inexperienced fool (even though that's exactly what I am :lol: ).

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