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Teeka sounds like a sensible elf. :)

...And a lot like those of us who breed rabbits for various reasons. You do get attached to them. In a backyard operation, it's typically very small, so you have time to pull out little babies and snuggle them and play with them. You can pull out your breeders for some lap time, if they are amiable enough. But when the babies have grown to a certain point, it's time to let go.

I like fiction that is grounded in fact. It is much easier to relate to, and has a better believability. I know your story is more fantasy, but I think fantasy benefits from a firm grounding in fact, as well. Sometimes, a gentle dusting of magic is more beneficial to the story than a heavy dose, too. :) But even large amounts of magic can work in a story, if handled well.
Rabbits and hares are distinct critters. Rabbits give birth to naked, blind, helpless young. Hares give birth to furred, mobile, wide eyed young. Jackrabbits and snowshoe rabbits are both hares.

The elusive Jack-a-lope is also a hare, with a touch of antelope in its heritage. ;) Cross-breeding is not as common as it once was, which is why they are rarely sighted these days. Horns are carried by a recessive gene.
Hello Veronika,

I'm a fantasy writer too. :)

As MamaSheepdog said, hares and rabbits are different species. You can't count on what you learn about domestic rabbits applying to hares. And, since it sounds like your elves are basically farmers, and not the more common "living with wild creatures" type elves, I'll encourage you to choose rabbits for Teeka.

I love MamaSheepdog's idea of breeding in the traits you want. Maybe the does are basically normal rabbits, but the bucks have been bred to be more like dogs. Some of them could herd the rabbits like sheep, so you wouldn't need to worry too much about fencing. And others could guard against the foxes and such.

Rabbits have very sharp claws. A little physical enhancement and a whole lot of attitude adjustment and they could be extremely formidable animals. I thought about giving them fangs, but then you'd have to completely revamp their diet, too, so probably not.

Or Teeka could simply keep dogs, as well. Dog food is such a handy way to get rid of extra bucks.
I am going to put in here that one of my favorite does, who I affectionately refer to as my ninny, has come down with mastitis. This morning I went out to check her and I swear she let me know in her own little way that yes she was sick and needed help. She usually pokes her head out and mobs me when I open up her cage. Today she came over but had that reserved ears down look. She was friendly but not silly like she usually is.
We had a nice little chat and I spent the rest of the day running around asking lots of questions of everyone on here where to find antibiotics, how much to give and, where to give the injection and how to do it. In one day I learned from these folks how to do that. I have never given an injection . Pretty amazing. I could not have done it without them. (You can read about it on "I think Lucky has mastitis") . I only bring this up because your character could have some support group of fellow rabbit breeders that might help her get through a crisis too.
Oh, currituckbun, she absolutely does. Elvin society has a school to teach Elves how to use their magic -- that's where Elves discover their affinity animal (they spend the first year or so at school working in rotations with different animals until they find theirs).

A big plot point of the first book is that Teeka is the ONLY Elf ever born without magic. So she never goes to school.

At the end of the first book, she gets her magic (I won't tell you how). So, in her special case -- because she doesn't get magic until she's an adult -- she has tutors from the school, as well as the rabbit community that stretches across the whole country to help her. There's a booming rabbit business -- humans (who don't have magic) and Elves use the rabbits for meat and fur and pets, so pretty much every small village has a rabbit breeder.

So, yes, Teeka has lots of people to call on! :)

The first book is (mostly) done. I'm sitting on it right now to give myself some space from it, but then I'll do one final edit and send it off to agents.

But the rabbits don't come into the story until the second book (which I've just started writing), so that's why I'm doing the research now.

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