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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
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:fireworks1: :fireworks1: :fireworks1: HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! :fireworks1: :fireworks1: :fireworks1:

Happy Independence Day to one and all!

On this historic day, I would like to share this essay on the importance of the 2nd Amendment to not only the individual, but to the United States as a whole.

From Stewart Rhodes - Oathkeepers

Right now the media is all abuzz about the threat of radical Islamacists targeting Americans over the Fourth of July weekend. I am on my way to speak at Pastor Manning's event at Gettysburg, and in the airport I just heard one "terrorism analyst" describe how easily a lone ISIS gunman, or small team of gunmen, with full auto weapons could attack crowds at gatherings, on congested bridges, subways, etc, and easily kill fifty or so Americans. He is right, but the reason it would be easy is because of the anti-gun conditioning and sheep-like mindset that causes most Americans to choose to go unarmed, and also, usually, totally untrained and unprepared to deal with any active shooter situation. They are conditioned to leave their security to the "professionals" - the police, DHS/FBI, National Guard, military, etc. that my good friend David Codrea calls the "Only Ones" - as in "the police and military are the only ones who should have guns."

And when Americans leave their security to government sanctioned "Only Ones" they set themselves and their children up as unarmed victims - lambs for the slaughter who bleat in terror as they die, while waiting for a professional "sheep dog" to come to their rescue.

And we have seen it over and over in mass shootings - including the jihadist attack at Ft. Hood Texas, where even soldiers were mandated to go unarmed and were turned into sheep who had to be rescued by a civilian cop, or the Navy Yard shooting, where the gunman gained access because he worked there, and went on a murderous spree with a shotgun until he was finally shot down by responding officers - and at each and every school shooting - while the unarmed "sheep" wait for the sanctioned sheep dogs to arrive, they are slaughtered in such numbers as to make the attack a "success" in the eyes of the terrorists or crazy maniacs intent on going down in history with a big body count.

The bone-head obvious, simple fact is there are not enough armed "Only Ones" to protect all Americans at all times, and to actually stop them from being murdered, as they go disarmed through their day. Just won't happen. The police will only be able to respond to an ongoing slaughter, at best. They will not stop it, except by some miraculous coincidence (which we have yet to see).

The church shooting in Charleston is but the latest example of what happens when there is an institutionalized, policy enforced disarmed victim zone. The gunman could COUNT on having unarmed, defenseless victims (and in part, thanks to the pastor himself, who actively supported denying people in church the ability to protect themselves).

And yet we are told over and over that going armed is "extreme" or "dangerous" or somehow evil. If it is so evil, why is it OK for the cops to be armed to the teeth, as they attempt to try to guess where the terrorists will attack this weekend?

We know the answer - because they are employees of the state. Because they are "only ones" and because the blood-dancers on the anti-gun left really CANNOT WAIT to jump in and dance in the blood of yet more slaughtered unarmed "civilians" so they can clamor for more restrictions on our rights, and more intrusive surveillance and hypermilitarized police.

I find it perverse, and sick, that on the eve of our celebration of Independence Day we are being told we must be completely dependent on "professional" guardians, and that the only answer to blood-thirsty murderers and terrorists is to give up even more of our liberty and further turn us into helpless sheep.

The obvious answer is that the Founders did not give us a nation of sheep, who are at the mercy of both the wolves and also at the mercy of the "sheepdog" guardians that history has too often shown are liable to become wolves themselves.

That is why I really don't care for the "sheepdog" analogy so many military and police love to use. I understand the sentiment, and the commitment, and I too feel an obligation to protect those who are not capable of protecting themselves, but we are not supposed to be a nation of sheep. We are supposed to be a nation of citizen-soldiers, of THE MILITIA made up of all of We the People, trained in the arts of war, organized and equipped, and standing ready at all times and in all places to defend ourselves, each other, and our town, county, state, and nation.

Rather than a few armed "sheepdogs" sprinkled among a mass of unarmed sheep, where the relatively few wolves can pretty much guarantee they can slaughter many before they are stopped, visualize a mass of armed sheepdogs, with no disarmed and helpless sheep (except children, obviously), who can protect THEMSELVES and each other, who will always be on scene at a shooting, because there is no separation between the protectors and the protected. That is what a free nation looks like, and that is what a free people look like. And such a people cannot be preyed upon successfully by any wolves, whether they be "private" wolves or "public" wolves - be they terrorists or terrorizing tyrants.

And that is what we need to commit ourselves to being, this Fourth of July. You should all be armed, ready, willing, and able to defend liberty anywhere, anytime, against any threat, because that is what it means to be a free people, and that is what it means to be Americans.
Well HAPPY 4TH of JULY to you and every other AMERICAN on this Day of CELEBRATION!
Being an American means appreciating our Country, what it stands for and all of the
patriots that laid down their lives for our chances to live FREE!
With hope and perseverance we will withstand ALL attempts
to place any blatant superficial stumbling blocks in our path
to limit our positive approach to achieving an appropriate
end to an appreciative HAPPY FOURTH of JULY CELEBRATION!!
YOUR hearts desire! This is an AWARD WE HAVE FOUGHT
HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY TO US ONE AND ALL!! :fireworks1: :fireworks1:
Happy 4th to all!!

Not to get too political, but we all need to start doing something about all of our Bill of Rights before they are all gone. There's a few that have been diminishing pretty quick in the last few years. Without the second amendment, we will be doomed for sure!!
Happy Independence Day, America!
I believe in and practice my right to bear arms for the protection of myself and my loved ones. I believe that the threats, foreign and domestic are real. I also believe that "Leading from behind" has given us the mess that the world is in today.
I will celebrate this day in fear. Not for my life, but a fear that we have forgotten.
We have forgotten how hard fought, and against all odds, this Independence was won and what is required to preserve it.
My grandparents were of "The Greatest Generation". (Look it up.) The generation that fought and died in World War II, and along with our allies, saved the world from threats not too different from the ones we face today. Their's was the generation that made America great. I was blessed to be born at a time when I could talk to them and learn from them. I was able to see how they lived their lives with dignity and honor.
God bless America. And God help us to remember.

Here's a little clip...
If you're old enough to remember Red Skelton, you know what I'm talking about.



For the reasons already mentioned, I tend to celebrate Independence Day with a bit of sadness... but I still celebrate. :loveamerica:

Saw this just a few minutes ago, and found it very amusing:



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