greens and rabbit improvement

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
Western Wash.
So, we have started to tractor some of the does to increase green feed due to questionable commercial quality. As a result, coats are shinier, the does are willing to breed and we will see what we get next month---I am optomistic!
Dandelions are wonderful for them too :D if you have kids picking dandelions can be a great thing to do together with them so they feel like they are contributing something good to the rabbits.
A good guideline is to feed a minimum of 1 cup of vegetables for each 4 elbow body weight per dado one vegetable to the diet at a recriminate if it causes soft stools or diarrhoea, Remember - each rabbit is an individual, and you will need to alter these guidelines to meet your rabbit’s specific requirements based on his health and sensitivity to certain foods,Limit fruits to 1-2 tablespoons per 5 lbs. of body weight (none if dieting) from the list below of high fiber fruits. Sugary fruits such as bananas and grapes should be used only sparingly, as occasional treats. Rabbits have a sweet tooth and if left to their own devices will devour sugary foods to the exclusion of healthful ones.