Google Aerial/Streetviews....

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Devon's Mom Lauren

Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
North Simcoe Ontario
Sooooo, I don't know if this has been discussed before... but how many here have checked Google, especially the aerial views to see how visible to anyone your rabbits are? Its a perfect way for nosy neighbours or even nosier ARAs to check out your places for "rabbits" or "infractions". Just thought i'd put it out there :)
ChickiesnBunnies":12k71m1o said:
Map is old and we are new to the house, so no issues here.

They update it every so often.

I'm not worried about mine since the are inclosed. Still, it's something to take into consideration not only for rabbits but for many other things as well.
One does not have to worry just about Google views!!1 A few years ago, a bUNCH of people in this county got hit with fines and court hearings-- becasue ariel photographs were taken by the county, and overlaid the previous ariels-- anything that was different was 'inspected' after a check for building permits--- What a brouhaha erupted! None of the county residents knew the new photos were being taken. some people even got hit for REMOVING barns that were falling down...(yet they were paying taxes on those non-existant barns..)
Frosted Rabbits":1eic2jno said:
One does not have to worry just about Google views!!1 A few years ago, a bUNCH of people in this county got hit with fines and court hearings-- becasue ariel photographs were taken by the county, and overlaid the previous ariels-- anything that was different was 'inspected' after a check for building permits--- What a brouhaha erupted! None of the county residents knew the new photos were being taken. some people even got hit for REMOVING barns that were falling down...(yet they were paying taxes on those non-existant barns..)

One of our neighbors filed a variance for ground solar panels in her backyard. All the neighbors were against it because although we all have 1 acre or more our neighbor was putting up 81 ft long, 12 ft high and 15 ft deep array. Well, the towns board had aerial photos of all of our backyards, at the meeting so they could see how it would impact everyone.

One neighbor mentioned something and one of the board members was like, oh, near your pool? Hmmmm, what sort of pool is that, I don't see a fence? The towns attorney got them (board members) back on track but it is a little intrusive.
It's useful for seeing exactly how to get somewhere, or finding alternate routes, but I have never liked having my property out there for everyone to see.

So far, Bing and Google (Maps and Earth) still have us as a vacant lot, and there is no street view on our road. Street view does go down the highway that connects to our road, but it still shows our road as nothing but a brand new dirt road with no one on it (so it's like... 8 years old at least!). Hopefully, we're enough in the boonies that it'll be a while before it's all updated.

When it is, they'll see a house and a shed, and... another shed with a coop on the end, a well, a propane tank, and a garden. Only the house and the shed that actually is a shed will be visible from the road, if they ever do street view down our road.

In the city, it was positively creepy how updated it all stayed! Made you want to get those camo tarps to put all over everything!
Its almost like Google is providing a "free" service to Towns and municipalities they don't have to lay out cash for aerials just keep checking Google! Maybe its time to buy stocks in Camo tarps!
Devon's Mom Lauren":1nvviy5l said:
Its almost like Google is providing a "free" service to Towns and municipalities they don't have to lay out cash for aerials just keep checking Google! Maybe its time to buy stocks in Camo tarps!
Umm, the camo tarps show up!! AND-- infrared will show up stuff, as well. Big brother's property-we joked when putting thde siding on the barn-- it is dark green, with white on the inside-- told the Amish fella, we need to put all the panels on a swivel, so we can change the color-- white for snow season, green for summer-- so it blends in better... The barn basically cannot be seen from the road in the summer, at all!
This thread reminds me of the the aircraft plant in California during WWII. They covered a huge aircraft plant with tarps to make it look like a small town and discourage bombings.
You can request that Google remove the "street view" of your address - I did that soon after they started displaying street views. Cannot do that with arial views. Moot point now for us as our County does arial shots of all properties at least every-other year. Those photos along with all tax info, photos, details on your home (sq ft, bathrooms, bedrooms, fireplaces, etc.) are all available to anybody in the world online.

With drones becoming more commonplace, the County is looking to get one so that they can do photos every year and on an ad hoc basis. I can only presume that the tax revenue generated by having this "bird's eye view" is great enough that they view it as good "investment". And, naturally, most of the folks in the county don't see it as a problem "as long as you're not doing anything wrong" - it's no big deal.

You can't see any of our animal buildings from the road but we can't hide from the "eye in the sky". Figure one of these days we're gonna get bit as we are within City limits and have a bunny barn that just keeps growing and growing and growing. Getting ready to put on another addition. Permits? We don't need no stinkin' permits!

The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. I remember when...
The last time i looked at our property... if i zoomed way in... i could see the various vegetables in the garden... Rows as well as some of the corn and the squash plants... But the freaky part was that i could SEE DH out working on his wood pile... when he was blocking the logs !

I really dislike ALL the invasions of our privacy.
Evently one of these cases of cities/counties using aerial photography will make it to the supreme court and hopefully they will squash this infringement on the 4th.