Goat kid watch thread *5 New Kids born May 1st!*

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Oh no!!! :eek:

I am so sorry about Poit! How sad to lose her and her kids. :cry:

I hope all of the other does are okay, and give you lots of adorable little goatlings to bring a smile to your face. :clover:
Everyone seems fine, she had an untreated selenium deficiency as a baby (not my fault, I bought her as a 4 year old), and that causes the body to not absorb calcium properly, and they end up with calcium salt deposits in their muscles, they call it white muscle disease. I am sure her heart was compromised from that as well.

I am pretty sure there will be at least one baby on the ground this weekend, and probably 2 more early next week!!
Your goats are adorable! We breed alpines and our baby watch starts in 2 weeks! I am so excited for babies :D
I LOVE alpines, they are so pretty! I did my first, before bed check last night :D

__________ Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:11 pm __________

In a turn of events, Fae, Peppers mom, is yelling at me a LOT today, and she normally never makes a sound. All my does have let me know they were going to kid by yelling at me all morning Lol.

__________ Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:44 pm __________

Baby goats! Two boys (dang it). The light one is Sage, the dark one is Juniper. They are SO cute! Fae is being a wonderful mama :)

Thanks everyone! I never get much done when there are new babies on the farm. I always spend so much time watching them and taking their pictures LOL. <br /><br /> __________ Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:34 pm __________ <br /><br /> Pepper finally kidded last night, with twins!! She is my first, first timer, to have more than one baby, and OMG they are GIGANTIC! They are both bigger than the 5 day old kids. I think they were a few days overdue. Pepper is a tiny little doe too, shes doing really good though, I am super pleased with her! SHe totally outproduced herself.

But first, Sage and Juniper! Sage's ears should stand up soon lol.

Looks like he's telling sage a secret lol

Thyme, Peppers boy. He is gorgeous and will be sold as a future herd sire.

Rue, the first girl born this year! I was starting to worry we wouldnt get any does.

The new family

Size comparison photo. Sage is standing directly behind Thyme, and Thyme is clearly bigger!
They are all so adorable, but Thyme is magnificent!

I'm glad you finally got a little doe. :)

:D Thank you! I JUST sold Thyme! I am SO excited about that! He's going to the most wonderful home, and I gave her a discount to make a deal with her that I get 2 free breedings to him this winter! After I made a bad home choice for one of my bucklings that I sold last year, I told myself I would never sell a buckling again, that I would just wether them and sell them as pets, but he is just too remarkable to wether, and I am so happy that it just worked out so well that this wonderful lady wants him!
It is really the best! <br /><br /> __________ Fri May 02, 2014 11:44 am __________ <br /><br /> 2 does kidded yesterday! One had twins (2 boys), one had triplets (2 boys 1 girl)! The one that had triplets went 9 days early. I had to take her to the vet this morning for a retained placenta, but now she is all good to go. Its kind of sad, because my sister is home on break from Grad school in MI, and since both these does were due while she was to be at home, she was hoping to get to see a delivery. Of course she went to spend time at our dads yesterday! Left about 3 hours before the first baby was born! I was not expecting Ke$ha to go this early, and assured my sister that she would get to see a birth while she was home LOL. Nope, no deal the goats say!

Honey and her first born

Truffle, 2nd one out

Ke$ha and the 2 boys

The little girl
Some better, more adorable pictures of them from today, in order of appearance

Unnamed buckling

Truffle, he's hard to photograph

Unnamed triplet buckling


And last and most tiniest, Angelica