giant chinchillas rabbits for meat

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Aug 20, 2013
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I've got a friend that has giant chinchillas and I'd like some opinions as to whether they are good meat rabbits? I've read some things that say they're good for meat and others have said they have too much bone, like a Flemish. I'm asking about breeding purebred, not crosses. Thanks for any help.
LOL, I was all like you can eat chinchillas? COOL.

Then I read your post. haha.

I have no idea but am eager to find out if these rabbits have a good meat to bone ratio!
They are a great slow maturing heritage breed, they take a little longer to grow out but have excellent meat to bone ratio!! IMHO

Being a heritage breed they are likely pretty rare so there won't be too many who have experience with them.

I don't have the giant chin but the smaller American chinchillas and so far I have been VERY happy with them.

The does all have sweet kind temperaments. They are excellent mothers and I haven't had any clueless first time moms who have kits on the wire or failed to make a nest. They all have abundant milk production and most have litters of 14-8, I did have a doe who would always have fewer than 6 but her daughters are very fertile so I think she may be an exception.
I have Am Chins as well. They are due with their first litter soon. I have also been wondering about the Giant Chins as meat. There are some close to me so I could try it, but I am already out of room. So I would love to know if they would be worth it. Maybe I will have to get a doe next year, I will hopefully have more room.
The best rabbits for meat are the ones you're happy with, if you want to try it, go for it.
I raise Rex for meat, which some people think is a waste of time because you don't get the commercial ideal of 5 lbs by 8 weeks but I'm happy with the 3 1/2-4lbs I do get. I have an excellent meat to bone ratio and I can move litters through my limited cage space without too many space crunches. I have an added bonus of pretty coloured pelts from anything older that doesn't make the grade as well.
I raise Giant Chins! I LOVE them. They are sweet as can be. They have a little different growth pattern than my Silver Fox do. They get here bigger gain for a few wks they grow fast then slow down around 4 wks then start gaining again. We are at 12 wks now and they are just as big as my Silver Foxes 6.5 ish pounds. We like them b/c they tend to hit 9-10 lbs by 5 months. They bones are not any bigger than my Silver Fox rabbits are. At least at the 12 wk mark. I have not done a side by side comparison at 5 months.
Interesting......very interesting, that's a different pattern than Flemish for sure.
*wanders off thinking hard*
Thanks, this has been alot of help. I bought a trio over the weekend, so I should know before long how they compare to a Californian or new Zealand. They seem to be very calm rabbits.