Genotype Confusion!

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May 30, 2012
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I thought I had this figured out but I am now more confused.

Opal doe (sire- Black, Dam- Blue Otter)

she has produced (bred to a castor and a REW)

black otters
solid black

So, I thought she was AatBBCcddE_

But how can she produce selfs along with otters and she herself is an Agouti? That would be "a", correct? So that doesn't make sense.

I was thinking maybe the other "E" is actually "e" is that correct? For the tort? And would that also apply to the kits that appear to be selfs? Or am I on the wrong track here?
A black (aa) and a blue otter (at_) CANNOT have an opal (A_) kit since neither have agouti.

Either your doe is not opal or her sire was not black and/or her dam was not blue otter.

Rex colour identification is the bane of my existence :D Some claim it is sooo easy to tell the colours apart and then a post like this crops up!<br /><br />__________ Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:54 pm __________<br /><br />
she has produced (bred to a castor and a REW)
until we know what colour your doe is, knowing the bucks colour is not too much help and aREW can be any colour hidden by the white so no help except on the C-locus
black otters
solid black
I theorize she is

_ a B_ Cc dd Ee
A blue otter would be solid blue with no rings in the fur?

I checked her dam and it says blue otter, behind her are black & blue otters and blacks, whites and blues.

Maybe I should check isabella's fur. I thought I had and she had rings but maybe I need to recheck. It would be ironic if she isn't an opal since she has taken BOB and BIS with the breeder.

I understand what you are saying though. Agouti is always dominant so you can't have selfs that produce it because they can't carry it, they are "aa". I will go check her fur out later and report back. I guess it could also be possible that the blue otters behind her were actually opals?
It would be ironic if she isn't an opal since she has taken BOB and BIS with the breeder.

It wouldn't be ironic, it would be pathetic and prove that even the 'experts' cannot tell half theses rex colours apart.

I'm not trying to be mean, it's a bit of an inside joke between me and some of the Rex breeders.
Yep, I think she is a blue otter. She has a triangle at the back of her neck. She isn't a clean blue, her blue has what looks to be a fawn colored ring with blue under color.

I had to go check because I found the original pedigree that I got from the owner (who is also a breeder and shows) I bought her from. The original pedigree from her actual breeders- Altans- says she is a blue otter. The one from the owner says blue agouti- Opal.

So, Isabella is AtaBBCcddEe? My REW is from a chocolate and there are no chocolates or lilacs so I am thinking Isabella is BB.

Then the kits she has makes sense genetically? The selfs, the tort, the otters, it all works then.

I think it is a little odd if she was shown as an opal and won when she is actually a blue otter. I've got pictures of her, the judge and the trophys she won.<br /><br />__________ Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:05 am __________<br /><br />It would also explain why there are no castors in the litter with the REW. I have 2 that I thought were opals (they are a week old so fur just starting to come in good) but I bet they are blue otters instead.