Fuzzy vs holland question

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2012
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Ok so have a question...I have a lop. I wanted a fuzzy lop, and was told yeah this is a fuzzy lop even has papers. I bought my missy thinking I now had a papered fuzzy lop. the person even gave me a copy of the papers of the holland lop she was bred to so I could paper the kits. o_O I thought ok this person just doesnt understand you don't paper half breeds. I look at her papers and she is papered as a holland lop o_O ok...well she is clearly fuzzy so I guess she is a hybrid as well and papers are useless. Bummer with what I paid for her but oh well she is fluffy so I can't be to upset :p The lady said she was getting out of rabbits anyway ~shrug~

Fast forward several months and I keep seeing people selling "pure" hollands ...when anyone can see some of the litter are fuzzy. American fuzzy lop , and holland lop are two different breeds right? so isn't a fuzzy holland a cull, or is it a variant that can be pedigreed? I didn't even breed my fuzzy holland since I figured I couldn't trust her pedigree since fuzzy =/= holland..was I wrong or are there just a lot of unethical holland breeders around my area trying to sell fuzzies as show quality hollands?

I am only asking because seeing it over and over has me really confused. am I wrong or is it just that a lot of people don't understand they are differant breeds?
I ran into this problem myself LOL You are not the first. This is a HUGE debate in the AFL world.

Fuzzy Hollands vs AFL

Hollands carry the fuzzy gene and can sometimes and usually throw better babies than 4 generation AFLS. They all derive from the same tree. It's a huge debate but some people like to keep integrating hollands for type.

It's debatable if it is unethical. I think as long as the buyer is told it's a fuzzy holland and not a 4 generation AFL, you are fine
My problem stems form originally wanting to breed fuzzy lops...then giving up since they seem to be a pain to find...and moving over to hollands...now since I keep seeing them sold I wonder if it is right to ad her to my holland lines or not. If she is a hybrid and the pedigree is bogus it wouldn't be right...but if they do come fuzzy at times then maybe her pedigree is right, and she is just pet quality?
Show quality is in the eye of the judge.

I let my nephew show a gorgeous AmChin x Mini Lop as a Standard Chinchilla and the judge didn't question her breed.

If it looks like a show quality Fuzzy lop then show her as that - However if you want to eventually sell fuzzy lop kits you should disclose to the buyers that you are just starting out with them and dont always get consistent results. I bet the majority of people won't care as they just want a pet but serious breeders will appreciate the warning.

PS my 'standard chin' is a pet and any kits will be sold as mutts or eaten.
Oh I ment since missy is fuzzy she is not a show quality holland...she looks like she could pass for a perfect fuzzy lop...which is why her pedigree had me confused...but if hollands come fuzzy then maybe I could get a decent holland out of her if bred to my legged holland buck? or at least nice pet quality ones either way
Oh I ment since missy is fuzzy she is not a show quality holland...she looks like she could pass for a perfect fuzzy lop...

Then show her as a Fuzzy Lop. :)

but if hollands come fuzzy then maybe I could get a decent holland out of her if bred to my legged holland buck? or at least nice pet quality ones either way

Possibly! I'd try it! :) Plus you might get another fuzzy if he carries the genes for it. ;)
Be honest about your sells is what it sums up to. It sounds like you bought a fuzzy Holland lop to begin with, seller didn't lie, expected you to understand pedigrees and a fuzzy lop is generally excepted as a fuzzy Holland when I've heard it mentioned not an AFL, but didn't help by seller not explaining every thing either. Many lines carry fuzz, its hard not to find a carrier in the better lines it seems...but that's been my luck at getting a fuzz every other litter or so with particular does/bucks. There is a very good AFL breeder on this side of the coast that uses fuzzy hollands in breedings, but states it plainly. Any kids you get from the doe will carry that gene since she is a fuzzy herself though...just be sure to tell the buyers of any offspring from her that while they are hollands they could produce fuzzies even if they are normal coated hollands or if you breed to AFL buck that the first kids are 1st generation offspring.
I just wanted to see what people thought...I would have pics of her beside her kits if I get any out of her to sell so I definitely won't hide that they would have fuzzy in them. @.@ But knowing they could be papered and her pedigree isn't bogus is comforting...I'll just tag Missy as fuzzy on the pedigrees I write out for them so people will know :)
I'll try her once she weans the two kits she has now..>.> they are mutt kits but I didn't want to leave her unbred any longer then I had already and the holland boys where still in quarantine ..>.> I wonder what they will look like since they are half dutch o.o