funniest things you've heard about your livestock

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2012
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York, PA
So my mother was telling some co-workers about my plan to raise meat birds. She actually is planning on buying a few from me once they are processed and thought she might find some people who would be interested in doing the same in the future. She was shocked at some of the negative reactions to raising meat instead of buying it at the store. The most hilarious ones were "but can I order one that's just breast meat?" and "well I prefer to buy from the store because I don't want to buy animals that were killed for the meat" :shock: She tried to explain to them, but apparently the second woman wouldn't listen. At least the first woman got a bit of an education about what a whole chicken is and how they separate out the parts before packaging them, and that you can't grow out a bird that is just made out of breast meat... :lol: She couldn't stop laughing when she told me about it and it got me to thinking, anyone else have any stories about the crazy things people say in response to finding out about your livestock?
DarayTala":yawllymp said:
"but can I order one that's just breast meat?"

We're still looking for a pig that is all bacon. :p

DarayTala":yawllymp said:
"well I prefer to buy from the store because I don't want to buy animals that were killed for the meat"

Me too. It's so much more humane to just cut parts off here and there, and allow them to live happily ever after. :roll:
Like my dad always told me...if you eat meat but buy it packaged in a store, you are just paying someone else to kill an animal for you, and since it's behind closed doors you can't guarantee they do it humanely or quickly. ;)

Always amazes me how far removed so many people are from their own food. :p
Them: "But....HOW could you KILL a sweet innocent little baby bunny???"
Me: "How could YOU kill a sweet innocent little piglet or a baby cow?"
Them: "I don't! Besides...what I eat isn't babies!!"
Me: "You may not actually pull the trigger, but you DO end up being the reason they are dead....and my rabbits aren't babies when I butcher them, just like the cows and pigs you eat. My rabbits are treated humanely and with respect when I butcher them. Can you positively say the same for the animals you eat?"
were "but can I order one that's just breast meat?"
"well I prefer to buy from the store because I don't want to buy animals that were killed for the meat"

:| and yet people wonder why i'm so anti-social.
i'm not *that* anti-social its just the people who can take their heads out of their own butts long enough to say anything to me usually decide i'm crazy/weird or something else thats unfit to be nice to.

and tegan, i agree completely. i've had that conversation too. many times.

:roll: here is what my fiance said when i showed him:
i agree "well I prefer to buy from the store because I don't want to buy animals that were killed for the meat" at least the ones that get the parts cut off get disablity checks and a funny story to tell around the farm.
I told someone I raise rabbits for meat, and she said "you mean domesticated ones? you eat those?" I guess she thought people only ate wild animals that they hunted. Really? Everything is farmed now a days, the salmon in the store have probably never seen a real river.
MamaSheepdog":14tqt18g said:
Me too. It's so much more humane to just cut parts off here and there, and allow them to live happily ever after. :roll:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Cows can't jump, they are too big, you must have left the gate open." These words of wisdom from an SPCA officer investigating a report about a loose cow. We caught her with some neighbors help within 30 minutes, but several motorists stopped to watch. The cow continued to leap our perfectly maintained 5 wire 60 inch fences that have successfully contained horses, pigs, goats and poultry for 26 years and she would jump back for a scoop of sweetfeed. She just hopped into neighbours pastures and away from the roads the other times and she got an early trip to freezer camp, thankfully the other 2 heifers never learned this trick.
"Cows can't jump, they are too big, you must have left the gate open."

Oh, then these must be horses, not cows. These silly people, can't tell the difference between a cow and a horse! Of course these must be horses, cows can't jump! They are too big!!! :roll:

Oh, and they can't ever get out via other methods...

I'm sorry but the SPCA people can be so misinformed sometimes.
W$%^%$&^&^%*^&*(*& ....spca my tuckus.... those people most dont even know how to score healthy livestock and here they flipflarping running around on magic pixie dust taking peoples animals! i cow isnt a dog! neither is a goat! neither is a hog! neither are sheep! neither are rabbits!
*walks away grumbling under breath*
my favorite has to be when I butchered a couple of roosters. My neighbor asked if you can even eat rooster.
.. Jessica wait, a rooster is made of chicken? Lol Jk Jk hahahaha I had too.

Also havnt them ASPCA people been read fairy tails as kids? They should know that the cow jumped over the moon. Those poor deprived souls

People who are so far from knowing about animal meat tick me off too. I am social to an extent but society as a whole makes me very antisocial. I hate being around what society has become most of the time..
People who don't know about where their meat comes from don't upset me, they make me laugh and feel sorry for the ignorance which has pervaded our society. But Imainly just laugh because it's more fun :D
This is a repeat tale, but my funniest is when I was walking my potbelly pig and I was asked

"What kind of a dog is that?"
"It's not a's a potbelly pig"
"I've never heard of that type of dog before"

I still chuckle over that one.
Dont get me started on people's ignorance about food in general.

-pickles aren't made from cucumbers
-you can't make bread, you have to buy it from the store
-eggs only come from chickens (when told the small eggs in the carton were from pigeons not tiny chickens)
- those peaches should be in the fridge or they'll go rotten (when looking at a jar of preserves in a cupboard)

I mean what do they think the Native Americans did to survive, and thrive, in this country? how did pilgrims feed themselves? how did their great great grand parents live without electricity or refrigeration!!!

Hasn't anyone at least seen Little House on the Praire for Pete's sake!

I just find it very very sad.
You're dating yourself. People don't care about history even though we should learn from history. All that is cared about is the here and now.

That said, I did remember something my 19 y/o nephew asked my mom once when he heard of me raising chickens and rabbits once.

Nephew: Where does he put all those eggs from the chickens and rabbits?
Mom: Eggs from rabbits?
Nephew: Yeah, like the eggs you find from rabbits for easter.
Mom: ....Rabbits don't lay eggs.
Nephew: They don't?
Mom: she proceeded to laugh directly in his face. As I did when she told me about it.) No, he isn't mentally handicap nor does he have any other deficiencies. He's just ignorant like the rest.)

Of course I've had people argue with me about chickens not being able to lay eggs because of there not being a rooster. Hard for me to laugh at that though when I didn't know that hens laid without a rooster before I started raising them. Not exactly something I was taught in school so I can't blame anyone else. The rabbit egg though...yeah, I kind already knew about that one.

And LOL to the rabbit egg thing. :D

Also...I can't believe someone didn't know you can eat roosters. :roll: Uhm, technically ANY bird is edible...some just taste nasty. ;) We hunt, so I ate a lot of pheasant and quail and even a little woodcock growing up...learned early on to chew thoroughly and carefully, buckshot will break your teeth if you aren't careful.

Oh man, I have to share this. :lol: My ex, nice person, total city person though. Got all kinds of excited once when we were walking through the woods on some railroad tracks and we saw a REAL LIVE DEER. He talked about it for weeks. But that's not the hilarious. That's just the lead-in. :mrgreen:

So the first time my dad met my ex, he wanted to really impress so he did a lot of cooking. My dad does gourmet cooking as a hobby (he has ever since my mom died). To impress, he made a very complex pheasant dish, served over hand-picked wild rice he bought on a reservation up in northern Ontario. I forget what else was served but it was all SUPER fancy.

My ex was really, REALLY impressed and looked really happy. Right before the first bite, my dad was like, "Oh by the way, chew carefully and thoroughly, I dug out all the shot I could but there's always some left!"

My ex: ".......shot? You mean like buckshot?"
Dad: "Yes! I hunted these pheasants, shot them myself."

While my ex was processing this mentally, my dad reached over to the pillow in the corner, where his German Shorthair was curled up...patted the dog on the head and said "From his mouth to yours!"

My ex couldn't actually eat it after that, so horrified!!! I laughed and ate both plates. :lol:

I'm also reminded of this ACTUAL QUOTE that makes me laugh so hard:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :rotfl:
mystang89":4ws0k10o said:
Mom: ....Rabbits don't lay eggs.

I don't know whats wrong with your rabbits, then. You should look for a "dual purpose" breed next time.

You can clearly see the egg in the back of this doe's cage. They don't "announce" it loudly like hens do when they lay an egg, but notice how smug she looks:

Marinea":3fslc4xc said:
This is a repeat tale, but my funniest is when I was walking my potbelly pig and I was asked

"What kind of a dog is that?"
"It's not a's a potbelly pig"
"I've never heard of that type of dog before"

I still chuckle over that one.

:shock: wow... i need to revise my thesis on reverse evolution... its happeningmuch quicker then i thought. people are actually knowing less about extremely common pet animals...

Dood":3fslc4xc said:
Dont get me started on people's ignorance about food in general.

-pickles aren't made from cucumbers
-you can't make bread, you have to buy it from the store
-eggs only come from chickens (when told the small eggs in the carton were from pigeons not tiny chickens)
- those peaches should be in the fridge or they'll go rotten (when looking at a jar of preserves in a cupboard)

I mean what do they think the Native Americans did to survive, and thrive, in this country? how did pilgrims feed themselves? how did their great great grand parents live without electricity or refrigeration!!!

Hasn't anyone at least seen Little House on the Praire for Pete's sake!

I just find it very very sad.

thats exactly how i am. but for some reason i turned at as the one in a billion of my generation who gives a crap about anything other then myself. i mean how many other 20 year old girls have goats and rabbits and guinea pigs all for eating? and how many do it all themselves? :roll:

:lol: @ mystang and kyle
:p :lol: @ MSD! i need some stock from you! :mrgreen: