Fruits of my labor

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2013
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I began this rabbit adventure in February this year, and this weekend I will be tasting the results. I let the kits grow out past 12 weeks. Now which recipe do I try first??? :dinner: LOL

The first meal we had was rabbit tacos. I boiled the rabbit and shredded the meat, so it no longer looked like a rabbit. :)

One of our favorite dishes is rabbit enchiladas, and I reduce the broth and use the liquid to make Spanish rice. Yum! :dinner:
My favorite way to have rabbit is BBQ rabbit in the crockpot. It is alos really, really easy. We just throw the rabbit into the crockpot with a thing of BBQ sauce and let it cook all day. We've had it as a sandwhich, over rice, and in between waffles or pancakes.
Hope they make a wonderful meal.
We had shredded bbq sandwiches, and they were fantastic! I still have some left over for game day today. Out of my first successful litter of 7, I kept two does, the rest were boys. I shared two of the five boys to have them butchered. I also had 6 Rhode island red hens and 2 gold lace wyandotte roosters butchered and split that bounty for the service also. At the end of the day I have over 20 lbs of meat in my freezer!!! WOOHOOO I really need to get a chest freezer!
Last night I made "BBQ Bunny Wings" out of my Leonis Rex litter. (Don't worry, two of them are still happily alive in the BunnyBarn.)

Brown "wings" in bacon grease (I used thighs this time too, since they were small rabbits), and then add some BBQ sauce, stir pieces to coat, cover and let simmer for a while. I made cole slaw while they were cooking.

I changed it up a tad and sprinkled the pieces with about equal amounts of flour and brown sugar after they had browned, stirred them around a bit to start a roux, and then added the BBQ sauce. They were delicious. :D