Freak-a-zoid rabbits

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
so I HAD four young mini rex together.

I've been keeping an eye on them because they are June babies so getting to that testy stage.

Came out to the rabbitry this morning to four bunnies frantically running loops around the cage. No fur pulled but just freak-a-zoid rabbits.

They got divided into groups of two which meant rearranging rabbits left right and center.

Cora was a grump this morning so she got bred, which meant finding someone to breed with her. and that meant two more does to move around... it's just fun fun around here this morning! :)
This is another prime example of how Mini Rex are "special" eerr a little different then other breeds. Sometimes I wonder if the fur mutation also altered something in their brains.

I sperated a couple MR litters yesterday, and as soon as I was done the babies all started running laps up the sides of the cages. Entertaining to say the least.
My NZ red doe did that at about 4 months by herself. I just figured she wanted some exercise. I had a nice big chicken run that was dig proof, so I put her in there, I didn't figure it would hurt anything. :oops:

It was like a dog with seagulls, she would charge at the chickens just to see them flap. She had a ball, they were terrified. As a mercy to the chickens we made her her own play pen on the lawn, and then she out grew it, turned sedate and mellow. :roll:
We have never had a mini rex get along with another after the 10-12 week old stage. I seem to remember several years ago the dogs freaking out downstairs then stopping, then freaking again.. listened closely because they were in a walk-out basement room.. I could hear something funny . I went down and found 2 young bucks freaking at each other just chasing in a circle round their cage, setting the dog off LOL. Its kind of funny to see them running around the side of the cage and not on the bottom :)
I had a mom that caused that problem. I got a really testy line of moms (who I kept for their 7~9 babies per litter), who just hated their kids once they were outta the box.

Beatrix wasn't so bad. She would nip them if she was mad, but never chased. Then her daughter, Cop, just had her first litter of 6. If she so much as SMELT another rabbit, she would go crazy, and cause that lap running around the cage. Poor babies had to be taken away at 5 weeks cause I thought she was either going to kill one, or someone would get trampled.

But even now, the two that I have retain that lap running dealio. Guess they learned it when they were little, and it just stuck with them. =/
see I find these odd. I have one pair of sisters.. five months old. A bit testy now and then but nothing bad so I've let them stay together. These four set them off! oh I'm a bit cage cramped right now...My sellers need to be gone NOW!
HI, i have 2 sisters, about 3mths old now. when they were at my fren's hse temporarily at the beginning, they were fine with each other, other the 2nd day tat they came to my hse, they fought, or rather 1 was bullying the other and i found tufts of hair with the bullied sitting at a corner most of the time. i separated them for about a week where they could see and sniff each other. just yesterday i let them out i the playpen and i put them back into the cage with the divider removed. the bully has been chasing the other one around every 2-3hrs. y is that so? can i not separate them? nid help!

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