Florida Whites VS Cali - NZ

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Feb 22, 2015
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I just finished processing my first litter at 16 weeks with the heaviest 2 bunnies (live weight) of 5.12 lb at about 12-13 weeks and about 3.8-4.7 for the rest of them (about 16) around weeks 14-16.

Based on what I have seen and read, it feels to me my results are not good and these little creatures ate me out of house and home! These were Cali - NZ crosses.

For my 2nd littler, I would like to try getting Florida Whites. I know they are smaller but I read that they grow faster and that by 13 weeks they weigh almost the same as NZ rabbits at week 12, but at half the cost of feed.

Before I embark on this, I would like to ask all of you with experience in this breed if this is actually true or it's just wishful thinking. I am interested in eating about 3 bunnies a week. I know I may need more than one doe for that purpose, but that's basically the plan.

Any help and advice or suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks!!!! :D <br /><br /> __________ Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:34 am __________ <br /><br /> Any suggestions? :(
i cannot comment on Florida Whites production traits as I've never had them or even seen one in the flesh :)

If your temperatures haven't been too hot and you're feeding a commercial diet then those weights do seem low for those breeds and I would look for new stock or aggressively start selecting for faster growth and better feed conversion

In my experience, bloodlines rather than breed are the important factor in selecting meat rabbits
I raise New Zealands. Never had Florida Whites. Had some Californias years ago and got rid of them.

I agree with Dood. Bloodline is very important. Breed maybe not so much.

Next, come time and patience. Focus on improving your herd.

Read up on line breeding. Keep your best growers and eat the rest.

Best of luck to you!

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