First time mom

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2012
Reaction score
Mid West
I'm happy to say that one of my first time does gave birth to a healthy litter of 12 :D And after almost 3 weeks they are still healthy and apparently happy :D
Wow! A dozen? And still all alive and thriving? I'd say that doe is a keeper!
Wow 12! Congrats on lots of lil babies! Lol the most ive had in a litter was 10 twice and that was a new zealand and a jersey wooly lol
6 week update... all bunnies are still alive! I'm happy to say that from my first "meat" litter I (I guess I should say she) haven't lost one single bunny! :D
I hope I have as much luck with my first (future) litter(s)!!!
Thats great, definatly a keeper ^^ Hopefully the rest will be just as big o_O and cared for :p
Those are the kinds of does that will be the foundation for a great meat rabbit herd. Finding them is HARD!!! Take it from one who knows. Keep an eye on their weights every ten days to see how Mama's doing with her milk production.

Dad....ain't too shabby, either. Congrats, you've got a dandy.

Nope, no pictures yet. I haven't wanted to spend a bunch of time with them so when it comes time to do the "deed" it won't be as difficult. I do have a question though. The litter in conversation here was and accident... oops. Yeah well I bought four "does" from a local NZW meat breeder. Well before I noticed that one was not a girl like it was supposed to be the other "deed" had been done. Yes they are siblings. Not from the same litter but sibling all the same. Now I wouldn't normally breed siblings because I've always heard it was bad. But that being said, the litter size was quite large and the doe didn't lose even one. My question now is... is it ok to breed them again in the future? Or let this one accident be a one time thing?
Guess it depends if it's just for meat or if you planning on keeping back kits for future breeders (don't know enough about genetics yet, so personally wouldnt go down that route)
Unless the kits pop up with some weird issues, sounds like a good pairing to me, especially if you are using them for meat. Most big commercial operations inbreed to produce rabbits that look very similar to each other.
Yep, just for meat. And they all look healthy to me. There is one "runt". He doesn't look unhealthy just a tad bit smaller. But his body weight ratio looks good.
You've doubled up on some very good genes it sounds like to me. Tight inbreeding in people isn't a good thing, in rabbits its not a big deal.
I had an oops litter this spring and the, now, juniors are gorgeous. I'm keeping the buck that sired that litter and I'm going to use him on his dam for her next litter.
I'd breed them again
For an "Ooops" litter it sounds like they did well! A dozen healthy kits no stillbirths etc. sounds like the brother/sister combo is a good one especially for meat. Have you bred the other does to see how they do with the buck?