FINALLY! A real rabbit to post about! (Angora bunny pics)

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2011
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Lordy, y'all, I have taken my sweet time getting around to actually getting a rabbit. But I put a deposit on one today, a 4-week-old chocolate English Angora doe being raised by one of my past students who's now a 4-H'er.

Because I know you're going to ask about it, here are the pictures first:

Rabbit1 by HoneyTree, on Flickr

Rabbit3 by HoneyTree, on Flickr

Rabbit.2 by HoneyTree, on Flickr
(The above are the siblings.)

I mostly hope to learn how to take of rabbits using this one; I'm a knitter and a spinner, so I thought my "learner" rabbit might as well be a wooler (and besides, it seems like the meat rabbits that I want to raise someday will be a breeze if I can get good at taking care of an English Angora!).

But here's the thing: I picked her out based on size, color, and personality. I can't tell "type" yet. I could tell that her sister, whom the owner is keeping, had a rounder rear-end. But they were about the same weight, the largest two of the litter. I hadn't made up my mind about whether or not to show her, but I don't want to close that door for myself by starting off with a rabbit that's far off of what they'd want her to be.

I guess what I'm looking for is a little encouragement that everybody starts somewhere? Thanks for looking. :)
Everyone DOES start somewhere!

I don't know about Angoras, but those are cuties. I am sure someone who knows them will give you specifics. I will just say this- go with what you love. What you start with may not be what you end up with. Loves change. Learn what you can, and then keep learning.

No rabbit that teaches you even one thing is a wasted bun.

Thanks for the pics!
What a pretty little thing she is!

Without being posed properly, let alone being able to put one's hands on a rabbit, it is hard to judge their conformation.

However, in the first shot, she looks like she has good width of shoulder compared with her rump- she is very even front to back. Pic two she looks like a little brick, which is good.

You want to flip her over and check her back feet- they should be parallel, not V shaped.
She's adorable! :p

That's all I can tell you. :oops: I know nothing about Angoras. :lol:

But I have to agree with the above: everybody starts somewhere, and go with what you love! You can improve your stock later, if you feel it needs improving. There is nothing wrong with having a "learner" bunny or three. :p

As long as she comes from good, healthy stock, she should be fine. Bright eyes, clean nose, clean paws, parallel feet, good teeth... all that. :)
Thanks, everybody. I appreciate the kind words. :) I forgot to check her feet. But her eyes and teeth looked good. But, my youngest son has decided to name her "Figs" and to put her cage in his room, so I think at this point, even if her feet were on backwards, she'd be coming home with us!
I believe angoras are judged mainly for their wool. We have been researching angoras because our 11 yr old wants one to show. The natl angora club has alot of info on the site and links.

Biggest thing with angoras is to make sure they stay mat free. My oldest dd had a french and english angora that she did great with. THey were potty trained and so had lots of free hopping around time when she was home. The english needed to be groomed every other day.

I love the angora personality, they are friendly, gentle rabbits. Love the chocolate color, she looks nice!
awww :) Angoras are adorable. I would recommend getting her out of shavings when she is older. I've seen pet stores put angoras into shavings and they become a matted mess.
LOL - "feet on backwards" OMG, that is just too funny!!!

I raise English Angoras and I don't think there is a cuter baby bunny ... well, except maybe those wicked Jersey Woolies that she-who-shall-remain-nameless (somewhere in Georgia) keeps torturing me with photos of :cheesysmile:

You will learn a lot about bunnies from any "starter" bun :p

Yay! She's here! I can't believe there is a real, live, rabbit in a big cage in my house! We are all a little bit smitten over here. She is crazy cute, and spunky and funny, and sweet, and not even a little bit shy, and very laid back, and maybe--probably--the softest thing any of us has ever touched ever. I am so looking forward to spinning with this gal's heathery wool... Oh, and an update--my youngest son conceded to letting me put the cage on the tile floor instead of in his bedroom, but he spent the afternoon putting on a puppet show for her featuring knights with armored rabbits riding into battle together to defeat the giant monsters. :D