Finally a heater!

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
Finally a dream come true, lol :campfire: . My hubby went out and bought me a heater for the barn. So we can keep it warm enough where water bottles wont freeze and if we have kits I can worry less about them, so maybe just maybe no more Popsicle kits. Andddd comfort for me of course, this cold weather is hard on me, and I spend less time out there cause its to darn cold to do so. So I feel like my buns get neglected. ... tor-heater

I feel pretty confident it will be safe, it has a couple nice safety features I like. Discussing it with others, it gets warm on the outside but not enough to catch anything on fire like hair if it lands on it. But I'll have to be very observant. I don't have hay yet, so I'll come up with a safe way to feed hay this winter.

Next on my list is a camera so I can peek on them at night and during the day while at work, some more cages, and if I can convince my dad maybe expand the barn a little bit more.
I'm not to worried about it hiking up my electric bill. A lot of things in my house runs on natural gas, so we have lower electric bills. I probably wont notice much of a difference on the bill.

Also just got an awesome deal on two bales of hay that I can trust is good. Whoo so excited!
I noticed two inlet/outlet openings on the visible side.

You may want to consider using a piece of furnace filter medium
on these two openings. Just in case hair particles can be pulled in
by natural convection.

Read the reviews and it looks like you've got a dandy heater.

Thanks for the suggestion grumpy I'll look at that.

We used it last night and it got down to 14 degrees. No water froze yay! We had a bunch of happy buns in the morning.
I may have to get one of these too! I've been looking for a safe heater for my bunny barn and I can't believe how reasonable this one is priced. I'm glad to hear you're liking it so far. The reviews on it were all positive too, so that was nice to see. We had a few water bottles frozen this morning so it looks like it might be time to get one! LOL
I have to put in a larger heater than that one, as the ones we have now aren't keeping the temperature where I want it. (the space is 30' x 25') so we're switching to a 240v industrial heater next weekend.
It's keeping the temp around 52-54 from what i can tell since putting in the thermometer, I'd honestly like it a bit warmer then that, but it keeps the bottles from being frozen, and is comfortable enough for both me and the rabbits. My barn is not huge, I can't remember the dimensions of it, I'll have to ask my dad who built it. And its not yet insulated, so I think if it was it would be a lot lot warmer. But I'm not complaining, it's better then 16 degrees, and I can use my water bottles all year round now.

After Christmas I'll buy some in insulation and see what happens then.

MamaMandy I'm quite pleased with it, and feel pretty safe using it. The price was hard to beat. I have always been a bit scared to use a heater cause fire is my biggest worry. But after talking to people and doing my research with the proper use and being watchful of my hay and hair it will be fine.

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