Fennel Seed Treatment for Bunny Bloat

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Active member
Sep 2, 2015
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Hi All!

First of all, thank you so much for this forum! I've learned so much! Last night when my daughter and I went to let out all of our animals in from the pasture we noticed our little female Mini Lop wasn't acting like herself. Upon further evaluation, we could tell she was severely bloated. I picked her up and she didn't try to fight or move she just kept her legs straight out and they were shaking really bad. Her face was puffy, her whole abdomen firm and she would barely open her eyes.

I came here and read what folks did for rabbit bloat. I have to admit I wasn't hopeful she would make it. There weren't any animal supply stores open and I couldn't get to town due to bad roads. I looked around in my cooking cabinet for herbs that might help with the bloat...I know fennel seed is phenomenal at combating bloat in people, I know fennel is good for rabbits, so I decided to give my Snickers (my sick mini lop) fennel seed and give her some water. I had to force it in her mouth but she ate and drank the little bit I gave her. In all, I ended up giving her about 1/2 teaspoon of fennel seed and about 2 teaspoons water and hoped for the best.

I came back to the barn about an hour later to check on her, and she was able to move around a bit and her eyes were open. I gave her a bit more fennel seed and water and again hoped for the best.

This morning when we went to go let the animals out and feed them she was back to normal. She's now half the size she was yesterday, eating tons of hay and drinking water like a pro.

Being that I didn't see this remedy on any site I visited I thought I would share. It saved my little Snickers and perhaps if your bunny gets bloat it can save yours too!

- Kristen
Gash, that is incredible! Good save!


It is amazing how when one of our animals is in distress, we are able to find an ingenious solution to help them. Snickers is lucky to have you! :D
Thanks! I'm so glad she's back to normal now. Thank god for herbs!
Herbal remedies are great. I am very anti-pharmaceutical drugs, so it is always nice to find another natural remedy to add to our arsenal.

Would you mind editing your title to something like "Fennel Treatment for Bunny Bloat" so that it will indicate the treatment you found to be so effective?
Hi Gash!

Thank you for posting about this! It is valuable information--so valuable that I am taking the liberty of editing your title to include the words fennel seed. It will make your post easier for people to find in future.

Oh good call on changing the title :) Y'all are so very welcome! I too am anti-pharma. hehe
Fennel seed is great to have around. I've used it for goats to combat their bloat as well instead of tubing them.

I keep capsules around for larger animals and humans. I buy them off Amazon: http://amzn.to/2hcEftJ

This was my first time ever having bloat with a bunny.

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