Dunking in water

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2010
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I just saw a video of a homesteader who, after bopping the rabbit on the head, dunks this rabbit in water to matt down the fur. Apparently it helps hair balls and having stray hairs cling to the meat.

Anybody else do this?
I think it would make things more difficult. Following the normal method of removing the pelt by one swift downward pull after hanging from the feet - the hide would be wet and slippery and easy to lose grasp of. While it might stop the fly away fur, wet fur comes off in clumps, so while working with the carcass, you would have wet clumps of fur stuck to wet slimy hands and wet fur is a lot harder to remove from hands than fly awy dry fur. Cant see any benefit in it.
I agree. I would think wet fur would really stick to the hands too. What a pain that would be!
I small amount of vinegar on a paper towel will remove most hair very easily. old squirrel hunting trick.

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