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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2011
Reaction score
North Carolina
I sure do like C-rings better than J-clips when building cages. They were so much easier to work with and clamp. I just finished building a 10 hole hanging cage, 5- 24x24 holes to a side. I had been wanting to try C-rings for a while and happened to see some at the Richmond, VA rabbit show earlier this month. Unfortunately the supplier did not have the pliers, having sold out earlier. I bought a pair from TSC to discover that while they may work for pig rings, they will not close tight enough to close a 3/8" C ring. Technically speaking they (the pliers) are a piece of crap. The spring which is suppose to assist the pliers in opening does not work, and it's a real struggle to get them to open at all. I was going to order from a supplier, but happenend to be in a hardware store and saw a set of ringer pliers which would close completely. I bought them and they worked like a champ.

I hung the cage yesterday, and as soon as the rain stops this morning, it will be time to cut out the doors, etc. The ultimate plan is to build two more 5 hole cages to hang beneath the 10 hole top giving me a 20 hole expansion.

I built the cage out in the driveway, doing all the cutting one day and assembling over several days during the holidays as weather and time permitted. Make a note, that it's a 2 person job to move that bugger without dragging one end. :shock: Not so much the weight as just the awkwardness. Luckily, I had some help to get it up the hill to the rabbit shed. I hung it yesterday with chains and S hooks which wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be

Rabbits begat more rabbits which require more cages, and the cycle continues :lol:
And just think how your purchase of supplies is helping the economy-- hopefully most of the money stays local!
The last time I tried to use C rings I tore my fingers to bits on the pointed ends and the cage I built with them wasn't anything I'd put a rabbit in and expect to stay where I put it, it ended up on the trash heap. Glad you were able to use them