Doe readiness

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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2014
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I have my 2 Cali does and 2 NZ does along with a NZ buck. All are well within breeding age. Last week I bred my 6 month old doe with my buck. Her vulva as never been red or swollen but my buck mounted and feel off her 3 times that day. I have been trying to breed a couple of my other does with him but none of them will let him. I have one of the does in a cage next to him since I got him 2 weeks ago. As of last week I have been putting ACV in there drinking water, I have been giving them parsley and ginger swapping these every day because I read they are suppose to help with the breeding. They also get 18% pellets every day and hay. They are all of good weight without being over weight.

The big question I would like to know is-- Why, after I have them all for a month have none of the does genitals ever gotten swollen nor turn red not to mention purple? I check each of them every 2 or 3 days. So I know I have not missed any change in color or size.

Two of my does will meet me at the door wanting a treat or a scratching. The other 2 will allow petting and scratching but are kind of stand offish. Like they tolerate me being there but would rather be left alone. I am getting them closer to accepting me but it is slow going.

Any help on the breeding thing would be helpful and greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure why your stock is not showing readyess - I start checking my does at 4 months and most are bred before 6 months old.

I find my maiden does do not swell much or turn purple but their lady bits do get redder - you have to look at the inside folds of the vulva and not the exposed appendage - a small amout of pressure to part the folds is all that is needed.
Rabbits are induced ovulators so technically they can get pregnant any time they have sex (as long as they aren't already pregnant ;) ) but the does have a peak fertility cycle every 16 days or so when they will be "in the mood" and willing to lift for the male so he can get the job done - it is very difficult for males to hit the spot without the does co-operation