Doe kindled kits outside of nest - inexperience?

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Apr 8, 2017
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My Doe was sitting on the nest all day yesterday, I didn't want to disturb her so I just looked in from the "hutch-yard" (for lack of a better term). I checked often durring the day and just before sunset, but didn't go out at night. Not that I thought babies aren't born at night, mind you. But she seemed to know what she was doing.

She spent several days making the nest just right, and had pull fur. The nest looked good - clean.

This morning I checked the nest and no kits. I checked the "hutch-yard" and the kits were on the wire, dead.

Do I chalk this up to inexperience? (on her's and mine too?)

How long do I wait to breed her again? (I've had babies too...).
Welcome to RabbitTalk! :welcome:

Probably inexperience -- first time does are working entirely on instinct. Instinct told her to make the nest, but it didn't quite cut in in time for her to figure out what it was for. Usually they get it right the second time.

You can rebreed her right away, since she has no kits to nurse, as long as she seems her usual self. (No issues like bleeding, swelling etc.) Does are usually quite receptive immediately after giving birth, which is one reason people say "breed like rabbits."
Thanks MaggieJ!

One more question. It's going into November here, should I do something extra to keep the hutch warm for the next litter? We live down south, so it never gets as cold as it does where you are. Winter temps here range from 65 (f) to the occasional 20 (f). I don't expect lower than 50 until January/February.
I live in Arkansas and breed all winter long. I only bring the kits inside when it gets below 15°f (hardly ever). Rabbits can tolerate cold way better than heat.
For sure give her another chance. Many of times I have had a doe do that her first litter but never again after.
The title of this thread prompted me to mention what happened last month with an experienced doe. She had always made a nest and kindled in the nest box. She was bred early August and when we put a nest box and hay in at day 28 she took the hay and made a nest on the wire under her "bunny bucket". We took it away and put more hay in the nest box, but she did the same thing again and at some point we were too near kindle to be comfortable moving it. She kindled her 9th litter, 9 healthy kits, in a nest on the wire, plenty of fur. It was cool, but not cold and we found the kits soon after she kindled, mid-morning on day 32. The first time we've had an experienced doe who had always used the box, build her nest on the wire and kindle there. So it isn't inexperience--maybe senility? :?
Rainey, I've had an experienced doe do that once or twice too. I put it down to sheer stubborness. ;) It think what may have happened with my doe was that she got the nesting urge early and chose her nest spot before she got the box on Day 28. She was determined to use the spot she chose that time... but I don't recall her ever doing that before or after.

Rabbits! Who knows what they're thinking? :thinking:

Edited to add: Of course, the doe may have just been playing that well-known bunny game, "Nya-Nya! You can't make me!"

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