Do you talk to your rabbits ?

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2013
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New York
So I am out doing my bunny chores this morning, and one of my does
is bouncing around with hay in her mouth. So I scrambled to get her
over into what I call the maternity cage with a better nest box. I am giving
Molly a pep talk. I told her to get busy :) I got to thinking about this.
I talk to the rabbits a lot. WoWsers :)
I do constantly...I know all of them on sight by name so I regularly say at least high and later if they are begging ...husband lost it one day when he caught me talking to one of my bucks..I had a very uncooperative doe and finally gave up and put her in with my sure thing buck (nothing a girl does disturbs him and he will let me lift them for him with no issues, which most of my other bucks cant deal with due to ego issues) husband heard me telling the buck "okay if you can tag her you get a carrot since no one else could do it" then five seconds later "Come on you can do it you want the carrot right?"...then just seconds after that "Good boy you earned a carrot " >.> It was at that point m y husband lost I made him fetch the carrot for me while I put the doe up. another phrase i find myself saying a lot is "Yes I know your cute but no you can't have more treats today" then they put their little feet up on the door and give me that one bunny look and I cave it goes "fine here..but this is your last raisin" Yeah I talk to mine a lot :p
All the time. The funny hing about it is that my property is only 50x105', and where my rabbits are positioned you can't easily see them from the neighbors houses, so they must think I'm out there mutterin to myself!
I talk to all my animals, rabbits, cats, dogs, ducks, chickens, horses, pigeons and any wild animals I encounter along the way.
Definitely. Rabbits are prey animals and seeing a large shape moving toward them is much less scary if your voice tells them it's the human they know instead of a stranger. They will recognize your voice. If more people spoke calmly walking toward their rabbits I bet there'd be a lot less timid rabbits.
Hahaha glad i am not the only one! I talk to all my critters. Fiance says he always knows if i am within sight distance of an animal... because i will immediately start my "fuzzy talk".. xD Apparently i have a whole second voice and minilanguage for talkin to the critters.

Just a bit ago i was layin down after lunch and had my preggo guinea pig layin on my tummy. She is due the 17 and i was tellin her how good of a mom she'll be and what pretty babies she will have....
I only have the one rabbit (Parsley Graybuns), but I talk to him. I also talk to the cats, the dog(s), the computer, the radio in my car....
Oh, I am so glad I have lots of company who speak bunny talk :)

I give them bucks pep talks. I now have 5 who I know can get the job
done. The one Cali I call Git R Done, and he does. The other day I gave
him a mixed doe. She would not lift for him. She is one grumpy doe.
So I put her in with Mr Bunny, the rex. She would not lift for him, and he
knows exactly what to do. So in frustration, I put her in with the mini lop,
and he done the deed. I was saying...GOOD JOB, Barney, good boy ! :)
The 5th buck, Howie the Cali and he has been real bashful. Finally
this past week, he was able to get his first successful mating. Now
when I give the Git R Done buck a doe, poor Howie is pacing his
cage, wanting his turn :) I just laugh at him a lot. And poor little BJ
who is the lionhead, only gets to visit with the dwarf female. He
got a ATTA BOY this past week also :)
TwoAcreDream":zmbe5885 said:
So I am out doing my bunny chores this morning... I am giving Molly a pep talk. I told her to get busy :)
Been giving Dee Dee my FL that talk for a few days now. Hope it works. :hex:
PSFAngoras":zmbe5885 said:
... so they must think I'm out there mutterin to myself!
It's OK to talk to yourself as long as you don't answer PSF. :)
arachyd":zmbe5885 said:
...If more people spoke calmly walking toward their rabbits I bet there'd be a lot less timid rabbits.
Absolutely right. When I walk into my shop I start talking and they all RUN to the front of the hutches to see what kind of goody I brought them.
DogCatMom":zmbe5885 said:
...I also talk to the cats, the dog(s), the computer, the radio in my car....
I talk to my computer too but I'll bet I'm saying something different than you do. :oops:
I always talk to my rabbits when am going down to feed them, mostly so they know it is me--and don't get "freaked out"
but sometimes just to tell them they are looking or doing well, and once it a while to tell them that if they mess up again they will be in the canning jar.
I grew up with only animals as friends. I had to work on curbing my talking to myself and them when I had boyfriends around. :lol: I have been asking my new calm movie watching bunny what she wants to watch. Apparently she gets bored with anime but finds the medical shows interesting enough to lay down and watch them. You should hear me with the chinchillas...
Oh yes,
I too talk to my Rabbits. Doing so does not make one CRAZY,
only smarter. Rabbits need fair warning of the arrival of any
intruder into their domain. I also have a Radio or CD's playing
while I am working with or around the rabbits. Not only for Me,
but I actually believe that they enjoy the music too!
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
I talk to my animals more than I do people .... I can trust them , people you just cant trust and so many of them are just plain .... idiots. Every time I get in my car (Houston drivers are worse than NY Taxi drivers) or go to places like the grocery store , I'm reminded .... ugh , no wonder I talk to the animals instead .... My wife thinks I'm crazy.
Perhaps the question should be "Is there anyone here who DOESN'T talk to their rabbits?" It's a natural thing to do, and for some people, it may be the only coherent conversation they can engage in--I find my rabbits are MUCH more intelligent than my neighbors... :pancake:
MOSSY NUT":ks7bkvx9 said:
I sure am glad that I'm not the only nut job talking to animals :lol:

The "Nut Jobs" might be those trying to have intelligent conversation with .... people.