Difficult Breeders?

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May 3, 2015
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Hi all, just kind of wondering why every single doe I have and have bought ends up being a difficult breeder? Used to be I could just throw a doe in with a buck and they'd jump right to it and present and lift immediately for the bucks but... this crew I have now... I have 3 Holland does (mother and daughter, and then one unrelated) and 2 Netherland does... NONE of them are willing breeders. They will plant their rears in a corner and hunch themselves up so even if the buck mounts he cannot connect... I literally need to lift and position these does to get them bred. No issues once they are bred, they're excellent mothers and excellent producers... what gives? Are they lacking something nutrionally? Am I missing something? Am I crazy??? haha... I just picked up a new Netherland doe last night.. in breeding condition, ready to go according to her breeder... Nope. Not even a little bit willing to play ball. So upset! :|
Sometimes it can depend on the situation, and right now in this heat I don't imagine many would be too excited to breed. I have gone thru situations where it just wasn't working, and I feel like the more frustrated I got the worse it all became. I would take a step back and evaluate things, like why you like rabbits and have them and what your goals are. Then start looking at it like an experiment, and try some different things, like making sure you add some ACV to their water, BOSS to their pellets occasionally, and change up their breeding environment. Mine LOVE to breed in their exercise pen outside. Something about the larger space makes them feel free and frisky I guess:) You can also keep rotating stock. The one you got last night might just be still adjusting to a new place. And if they aren't doing their thing you can sell and keep trying with others. I have 5 Hollands and 4 love to be bred on days they are ready, one new one hasn't been too excited yet, but I haven't pushed her because of the hot summer, she will be really bred this fall or sold as a pet to someone.....
The ACV you use, is it the kind with the mother in it that I'd use for chickens? Never tried that, maybe I will. They already get BOSS in their feed in small amounts when pregnant and nursing. so that shouldn't be it. These rabbits are inside my air conditioned house, and I am in Nova Scotia canada so the temps are quite reasonable. I have them in 24x24 stacking cages while they are single, they get bigger cages when nursing a litter. Can this kind of thing run in genetics? As I have the one who is the worst to breed who just refuses to cooperate regardless of how ready her color is, she just doesn't want to be bred, so I hold her and she never really struggles and she takes every time and raises litters beautifully. I just miss the days where the rabbits would breed like rabbits! haha.. thanks!
Most of my rabbits aren't willing breeders. I need to breed on my schedule, not theirs (May/June, which is when they are supposed to be most willing to breed anyways). I breed all my animals on the table, assisting as needed if the buck/doe isn't willing.
Yes, Its the kind with the mother, thats the only kind I use. It is really supposed to help their hormones and be good for them, as well as naturally boost their immune system, which can only help IMHO. Sounds like its not the temps, do they get plenty of light? Maybe still try putting them out in the grass, and give them a fun change of environment:) It can be genetic, and I know others have experienced problems with Hollands for sure, but mine are doing really great. I think if you get them on a good schedule they should do better. They also need to be kept going, and have a tougher time than some other breeds if you give them too long of a break...
You know, I don't really measure it but I would do a capful......Maybe someone else will have an exact amount for you, but mine do fine with that:) Give it a couple of days to a week, and then see if you notice any difference.
i've read one capful per gallon, so maybe half a cap? a full one probably wouldn't hurt them, honestly.

i put it regularly in my water supply for everyone. my does are also super moody and haven't wanted to breed in over six months (too hot to try now, but all spring, nothing...) and i haven't noticed it really helping, but it at least helps them stay healthy and have a good immune system so if nothing else there's that. one day they'll cooperate...and if not, i guess, that's one less trip to the grocery store for meat.
My rabbits, of any breed, tend to be super willing.

The only times I've ever had problem, it was because the does were carrying body fat, or else I waited longer than I needed to to breed.
I tend to think, the longer you wait, the harder they can be to get started.
i've heard that too, i just got stacked with bad luck. one doe was a couple months off her last litter, bred, reabsorbed during a huge flood, then died suddenly a month later after i'd rebred her (and she really did not want to breed at all but i held her down and got it done.) second doe had an illness i didn't know of until i finally culled her for not breeding (she had two falsies in the meantime) and noticed her liver was diseased. i got a third doe and she did actually kindle but being a first time mom the litter didn't make it, and now it's too hot to try again. hopefully after it cools off a bit everyone cooperates :p i've got a couple young does that will be breeding age this fall so i'll have more tries.
Well I got some ACV so will start using that routinely from now no and hope it perks them all up. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen! But they all take and raise their litters fine so I guess you win some you lose some. I just had a first timer kindle last night to 2 healthy kits (2?! Come on!!), and expecting another first timer to kindle in the next couple days if she took.. I'm not convinced, but I bred her multiple times across a few days so here's hoping! <br /><br /> -- Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:44 pm -- <br /><br /> Well time for a funny and somewhat sad update... sad because... this story is about the doe who I thought was bred and due a few days ago (sigh)... funny because.. apparently the ACV works! Holy cow does it ever! When I tried to breed this doe last time, she was not playing ball. She just hunched herself up in a corner and growled at the buck.. I started the ACV right after I posted last time, so a week ago. I have been waiting on her to have her kits and no signs, no interest in a nest box, nothing.. so I popped her in with my buck and she was backing HIM into a corner with her backside with her hind so far up in the air it was well over the bucks head. Hahahah so funny! He bred her twice and then laid down and she seemed to get frustrated and started to hump him quite violently so I took her out and put her away.. Her attitude appears to be 100 percent improved.. she's rubbing on me now instead of growling at me.. I guess that stuff is magic!
Congrats on your success! Keep us updated on how this goes for you. Sometimes all it takes is to make a little change and get some encouragement. Here is to hoping this turns all of your bad luck around!

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