DEFINITELY need new stock :(

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2012
Reaction score
York, PA
So I weighed all my rabbits a bit ago and was very disappointed with all of my meat bunnies. The trio I started with were supposedly 2 NZW and a NZ/FG cross. Well, I knew they looked a little small to me, but they were my first meat rabbits and I've only had dwarfs before, so I thought they were only a little on the lower end of the weight range. Turns out the supposed NZs are both between 5 and 6 pounds, they aren't underweight at all and are definitely adults (over a year), just tiny. The NZ/FG mix is just about 8 lbs. I'm wondering if I was sold Florida Whites or something... They've never had health issues, and have gotten feed with enough protein, so I can't think of any other reason they would be so small. So after that I weighed the mutt buck and 2 NZWs in my colony. The NZW does are 8 and 9 lbs, so I'm not too unhappy with that, except the larger is very aggressive and the one I wanted to get rid of. The mutt buck is only 6 lbs. My lop/NZ mix doe is also only about 7 lbs.

I decided to try with all these guys anyway because they do have nice meaty body types, so I figured I'd just get smaller meaty kits, maybe more with the grow out weights of Florida White and all. Well, a few litters later I've realized the kits just don't grow out fast enough at all. They get a high protein feed, yet I'm getting kits that are not much bigger than my mini rex! They all seem so much smaller and slower growing than their parents were! I'm lucky if I get 4 lbs at 20 weeks. I can't keep going with this stock and trying to improve them when I'm wasting money raising the kits so long for so little meat. I need to go through and figure out who to process and who to maybe keep for another try with a larger buck or doe once I have a few larger bunnies who may produce faster growing kits.

So does anyone have good stock in PA or MD? My priorities are fast growing and LARGE, color and breed aren't as important, though I do have a soft spot for Rex, Americans, Silver Fox, and Californian. Any odd or older meat breeds or even mutts would be cool as long as they meat my main criteria.
Sorry that happened. Does sound like you got some Florida whites instead of NZs. Bummer. I have had success with my meat mutts, Calis and Am Chins. I am sure there are some real good meat stock out there for you. I would start over. I am trying to up my weight ratio but I am running at 10-12 weeks for 5-6 lb of live weight. I feed 18% but also hay and greens, so it is to be somewhat expected. I just want 9-10 weeks consistent.

Best of luck to you over in PA!
But on the bright side it'll be fun finding and getting new stock! Up in your area there should be an abundance of breeds to choose from! :) Good luck! Hope you find what your looking for soon. :clover:
I wish you were closer to me in CO. Someone just gave me two Cali does and she has a HUGE NZR that she wanted me to take too. I would just give them to you!

On the bright side though, I bet you will have fun looking for new stock, so best of luck! The good thing about breeder/buyer mistakes like that is you learn from them, and you'll know what will better suit your needs next time you look.
Thank you guys. I am looking forward to the fun of picking out new stock, though I wish I was better at doing so :lol: I hope I can find a good breeder near me that can actually show me what to look for in the future, as well as just sell me new stock.

I'm really not sure where to look either. I've tried craigslist, and that's where I got the ones I have now. Lately there have been mostly adds for dwarfs and mini rex, but I try and check every few days. I did email a couple breeders, both when I started and recently, but never got a response. I wonder if I'm saying something wrong?

Well, heres hoping my luck changes!
Have you gone to ? Its a good site to find a breeder near you. I went on it to see what was listed for Pa and it had alot! Your right, lots of Netherland Dwarf and Mini Rex but also had lots of NZs. I saw a couple of ads for American blue and French Lops (my favorites :p wish I was closer!) and plenty of others!
There may not be much available right now but fall breeding season should start up there soon.
I doubt your saying anything wrong, I emailed somebody about Cinnamon Rabbits one time. No response. I figure they didn't have any then. They never did get back to me.
Try to find someone who keeps good records on litter size, weights and every thing.
Good luck! :)