Connor Needs Prayers

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Frosted Rabbits

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
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Wednesday, Connor was his usual, gregarious self. Thursday, he was'depressed'--he ate, drank,but other than that- was pretty much a lump all day. Friday, he got up, wagged his tail, and eagerly stuck his head into his work harness. Yesterday, Saturday-- normal, gregarious self. At about 10 pm, he climbed onto my bed, looked like he made himself comfy, then went into a seizure. After it looked like it was over, I returned to the computer, (sitting in my wheelchair) Connor got up, kind of stumbled off the bed, placed himself between my legs, and just started growling-- The leg extensions were all the way up on my chair-- and I could not reach forward to drop them without Connor's growls getting stronger.. it took a few minutes, but I finally got a safe hold of his collar, and was able to push him back away from me far enough to get up, and direct him to his crate.( I risked getting my arm torn up by this maneuver-- but....) Anyway, it is now 4:30, and after hours of growling, Connor still has that non-responsive, blank look about him. I am now thinking that Thursday's lethargy was perhaps a post-ictal manifestation. Here it is, Sunday, on a 3 day Holiday weekend, no less-- And he needs a vet The closest ER vet is 50 miles away...
I need to hit the lottery....
It has now been 12 hours-- Connor is worse-- no recognition at all-- he is biting the crate wires--, his crate pan is filled with urine, water, and feces-- I just dumped the last of my wood shavings in, to help keep him a bit cleaner., I added sugar water to his bucket- because I am sure his blood sugar is probably very low by now-- and could be making things worse. Crate is covered wit DARK blankets, to reduce photo sensitivity issues...
Of all the times to be without a vehicle....
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this! Sending prayers that things improve!
Connor had another full blown seizure at 1, then again at 3-- No local vet is willing to help, and the ER vets won't euth unless they have already seen him over the coarse of the weekend. I am riding this out with my on line connections to the Service Dog community. He seems to be a bit more comfy-- the apartment manager helped me move him, in his crate, to the patio- it is cooler out there, easier to keep him comfy, and if need be, I can pour water to help clean the surface he is on.
I cannot see my Conman behind those eyes-- I wonder if he is still there.
I'm glad you have the support of your service dog contacts. I wish I had something helpful to suggest. I know how much Connor means to you and how much you rely on his help. (((More hugs)))
My Sookie got mean after each of his seizures, but he alawys took a nap and was fine afterward... until the next one.
I know how scary it is for you to sit and watch your pal in this state. I hope you are able to get help soon. *hugs for you and connor*
hoping that connor ends up snapping out of it and doing okay.

If he does....what does this mean for the future of Connor and you? It doesn't sound like a particularly safe situation for you to repeat? Not trying to sound harsh,.. just wondering what the next step will be if he manages to snap out of it.
Connor had another seizure about 5 this morning-- but this time, he is 'back' pretty much all the way. He has been bathed (he had more flies following him than a garbage truck) ate some kibble, and is making up for lost water consumption. I did some researching- the autoimmune issue he has concerning his neck/jaw can trigger other autoimmune issues-- and while bathing him, I noticed he was developing a 'rat tail'- a tell tale sign of thyroid issues. also, the original issue can overstimulate the adrenals-- triggering seizures, as well.
He recognizes me, is responsive tohis name, but is still kinda shaky- his pupils dilated and non-responsive.

AS for our future together--I cannot see using him 'in public'-- as yes, that could pose a serious danger to many people, not just myself. IF he can be maintained safely as a pet, I will consider releasing him to Rescue or to someone I can trust to meet his medical needs as well as his need to 'work' What makes it really hard-- he cannot be around small children-- he doesn't know quite what to make of them- other than the fact that they would probably be nice 'playmates' but he gets rough-- he doesn't know that small people break easy....

Ladysown, you are not being harsh, at all-- these are the kind of things we think about when a SD must retire. These dogs are durable medical equipment-- BUT, they are also living, breathing, feeling beings. Chessies also tend to be one person dogs-- and after this long, I wonder if he could transfer his affection. I would sooner have him euthanized by my vet, than have him spend the rest of his life bouncing from home to home or wind up in a pound. What is best for him, and what is best for me may very well be two different outcomes-- and I HAVE to do right by him...He ahs been a good dog, if I cannot keep him, then he must have a great retirement.
Oh Terry, big hugs and lots of prayers for you both. I cannot imagine what you must be feeling. If you need to find him a retirement home, will you be able to get another SD for yourself?
yes-- the process for getting together applications has already started-- I'll need to raise a LOT of money-- And WAAAY lots of money if I use a program dog. It is usually at lest two years to get a dog from a program-- I know a breeder that MAY be able to produce a good candidate for me in about a year-- (in other words, the litter is still in the thinking stages) I can then put the basics on the dog, and if needed, send it to a trainer that actually specializes in what I need-- A major problem with the programs is that stay pretty limited in their breed choices and task training. One I looked at, In Ohio-- will train for wheelchair pulling, but not for counterbalance mobility work! So why pay over 10K for a dog that is only trained in three tasks? And two of the tasks are only CDX level obedience! Then, to top it off, they do not permit a person to add tasks to the dog!!!<br /><br />__________ Tue May 31, 2011 2:54 pm __________<br /><br />His pupils are still dilated-- but he is feeling like himself when he is awake! (90+ degrees here-don't blame him for sleeping) He did attack my recliner this morning-- not normal, But I forgive him-- At least he is recognizing me, and his happy doing doggy things, When the sun goes down, I will walk him. let him roll in the grass-- whatever he wants in that area--
Officially, he is now 'semi-retired' so that I can legally keep him with me until we see how things work out for him. I cannot use him in public-- the risk will be too great-- and for re-homing him-- I doubt I want to take the chance of some numskull messing something up, and him getting the blame for something he can't help. My savings account is now empty-- but heck, he is worth it.

So, One Day At A Time