Cold weather??

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Dec 29, 2014
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I have a tarp that covers both sides of my hutch. When it starts getting in the middle teens should I try and cover the bottom or leave it open? Should I add a box with some straw or not? Here is their hutch, any input is welcome!


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Tarping is fine, although I find that more for when it's cold and windy. My doe is outside and I have straw on her hutch floor (it still drains pee into the pan underneath but keeps wind from below) and an enclosed boxed for her to retreat into if she wants, but most of the time she's sitting on top of her box enjoying the weather. The only time I tarp and blanket is when there serious biting winds with ice in the air, but I never cover the bottom.

You could always add a box with straw for those who might like the option. My minirex has a cardboard box with a hole cut out and my doe has a wooden box I made for her. IMO, it's your call on the boxes.
I have covers for mine, but only really use them when it's going to be very windy, or when we have a bad spell of negative temps like we did last winter. I generally only cover the windward side of their cages when I do use them.

I have two doe cages covered right now because it's cold and they are due to kindle in the next few days. Usually, they are fine as is. It's totally up to you and what you want to do, but I doubt it's necessary.
I always had a good handful of straw in the pens but mine are open in the front and are backed up tightly to the outside of my garage the ends are covered with plastic.

Nice hutch BTW
We get colder than -30°C. My rabbits are on raised wire with a roof. They have a board to stand on and when it gets really cold a box with straw. However, they are fine without the box to -25.
I'm a little south of Schipperkesue and my herd is far cozier than I am at the moment. They're tucked in a wind proof spot and tarped on three sides between a house and a fence.