Can I keep the baby bunny with the dad?

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Mar 10, 2014
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I keep the buck and doe in different cages. after i bred them , my doe has 4 babies. they are 13 days old . I want to keep two bunnies to myself. when they get old enough, around 2 months can i leave the male bunny with the dad , in the same cage? and the female bunny with the mom in their cage ? do you guys think the dad will attack the baby? or he will be bond with him?

thank you
First off, an adult male might try to mount the younger bunny. The smaller bun could get very hurt.
Then, when the younger rabbit reaches puberty, they will very likely fight and can badly main or kill each other.
You might get by with leaving a female in with the doe but don't think putting a male in with dad will work. Of course I have had no luck bonding rabbits together but have also not tried too many times either.
If you want to keep/house more Rabbits,
you've got to have more cages.
One cage, one Rabbit! Rabbits do much better
if they have their very own Cage/territory.
Some/most Rabbits can [and do] become extremely territorial.
When they do, they will defend their space sometimes to the DEATH
of one or both individuals.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
ckcs":2jqrl3h5 said:
You might get by with leaving a female in with the doe
They may need to be seperated if they start fighting so a second cage should always be on hand. Bonded rabbits almost always have one or both of the bunnies spayed or neutered to remove the sex hormone that cause territoriality and fighting.

It is my understanding that you want to eventually breed these guys so not interested in spaying and seperate cages would be the safest route.

mystang89":2jqrl3h5 said:
What do people do who have colonies? Do they separate the males out?
. Yes. Each of my males had his own run when I had a colony and the does had the main pen that was 20 x 15 with less than 10 rabbits so there was plenty of room to escape from aggressors.
What do people do who have colonies? Do they separate the males out?

In Colonies there is a MUCH larger area, this gives the individuals a place to RUN and Hide!
When kept in a more closely confined area like a Cage, there is no place to run,
they are sitting Ducks for the ones that wish to do them harm!
One must think out carefully before deciding on the choice for housing their Rabbits.
As always, JMPO. We all must do what we feel is best for those that are in our charge.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
I agree with everyone else that they need their own space. I would suggest watching Craigslist for used cages. Maybe you can use the money from the sale of the other kits to buy some.