Butcher date?

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
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My first litter(NZ Whites)is growing so fast, Im wondering how I should determine when to butcher. They are 8 weeks today, I weighed them and they run from 4#8oz forthe biggest, to 2#4oz for the runt. The runt is the only one under 4#.

I was surprised they weighed that much so soon. Should I butcher at 5#, or wait until 12 weeks? What is the best avg weight to butcher at? The litter is 6 rabbits, I just split them 3 to a cage yesterday.
Hi Autumnarcher,

Generally, fryers are butchered around 5# and roasters are basically anything over that :D
Yes, 5# is generally what we shoot for. If yours are in the 4# range at 8wks, that is really good! You will likely be butchering at 9-10 weeks.
Most folks go by weight.

I go by age, 12 weeks and we get what we get. But all my NZ's are over 5 pounds at 10 weeks. I do not think the quality of the meat will be at all compromised by letting them reach whatever size they get by 12 weeks, and I don't mind feeding them if they are growing.

So it's a personal choice. Feeding rabbits = costs money. If you are happy with 5 pound fryers (about 3 pounds dressed) then save your money and butcher them all. If you want a little bit bigger rabbits on the table, then keep feeding them until 12 weeks of age. Or longer. Its up to you.

I am quite pleased with the NZ rabbits, I am still new to all of this and am keeping records. I have a batch of NZ/Cali cross in the growout pen, this time the environment/feed/etc is consistent with the NZ rabbite I am about to butcher. We'll see how they compare. Ultimately I will steer my rabbit breeding in the direction of whatever breed produces the most kits who grow the fastest.
I have two litters in growout cages right now. I weighed them today. The whites are 9 weeks now, and average weight on those is 4# 12oz. The only exception is the runt, who is barely 2#. I have 3 in one cage, 2 in another, and the runt on her own as shes a feed digger and Ive about had it with her. Tryin to find someone who needs a pet. Im thinking another week or two and I'll butcher these.

The other litter are NZ reds, they are 9 days younger, and are running 2#8oz- 3#. Im really impressed with the white ones, theyre growing unbelievably fast. Im going to keep the biggest doe out of this litter.
I usually fly into the face of tradition. I like to butcher my youngsters when they are just around 4.25 pounds. I don't really care for the bigger dressed rabbits.

BTW: the NZW's will nearly always outgain the reds. They've been developed for faster weight gain.

Good to know that aboutthe whites vs the reds. I think as I go forward, I'll keep a few more white does, and see if I can find a white buck. I have a few Californians too, but the NZW's are way faster growth that those too.